I agree that there could be issues or risks if the individual isn't gained militarily prior to the PCS and/or transfer effective date, because anything could go wrong. Therefore, I believe the wing/unit should ensure that all documents regarding the prospective employee are completed and submitted with the hire (transfer) packet, to include military orders placing them in a CNG unit of assignment. That would be considered a "healthy hire packet". An issue I foresee is with a military member (e.g. AGR) who's being appointed as a technician while on terminal leave. If we require the enlistment to CNG prior to the hire date and the release from active duty date, then it will be an issue for sure. The 5 USC states a member in such a case can accept the federal civil position and receive such compensation for that position while on terminal leave. Would we have a separate rule for those in this type of situation? …show more content…
I don't think it is necessary to issue a 30 day letter in such a case as this. But I agree that the individual shouldn't be allowed to work in the losing state as a technician once he's been transferred militarily to CA, but he/she could request leave until the transfer date. Normally, the losing agency would not issue a 30 day letter, because they are made aware of the "transfer" to another government agency, and a separation action will be processed either manually or automatically system generated the day before the transfer action. The GPPA specifies we should not terminate an employee in such a case, until the SF-50 or SF 52 has been received. Therefore, when we lose an employee to another state and are contacted by the gaining agency, we await the "pick-up" SF-50. We do not terminate them because the intent is to ensure the transfer is a smooth process without any loss of
Over the course of the past three years there have been multiple changes to the HYT process. These include phasing in PGPs and extensive changes to the waiver process. There may be resistance to a sense of need for yet another change. This proposal is fairly simple to incorporate but will have great benefits to smoothing out the process and will not add any cost to the service. It will benefit the members by removing uncertainty in their future earlier and give them more time to plan for retirement. It will benefit units by completing the waiver process before the assignment slating process so they can better communicate the units needs with the detailers. It will benefit the detailers by providing a clearer picture of what billets need to be filled as well as advancement needs before the start of slating and the advancement year. The Coast Guard needs to expand the E6-E8 HYT waiver timeline to align with the E3-E5 HYT waiver
I, TSgt Thomas L. Linton, (xxx-xx-3125, 2A574) am requesting cancelation of my assignment to FC1LFN7N 92 AIRCRAFT MAINT SQ FFN7N0, FAIRCHILD AFB, WA due to the “non-recommendation” of travel for two of my family members from the 92d Medical Group’s Chief of Medicine, Lt Col. Michelle K. Anton, M.D. The 92d Medical Group returned the AF Form 1466 noting that are long wait times and for specific specialties, no in network care available for my wife, Sandra and my son, Nathan.
In order to receive paid leave, the agency must have documentation of service and the service must be for the purpose of active duty or active duty training
In addition to being counseled on the issues above, he received counseling on the following: (1) that behavior for which he has been counseled may result in punishment under Article 15, UCMJ, court-martial, or adverse action such as bar for reenlistment, suspension of favorable actions (promotion, retention, schools), or other appropriate administrative sanctions; (2) that if this behavior continues, separation under the provisions of AR 635-200 may be initiated;(3) that if separated prior to ETS, that he could receive an honorable, general, or other than honorable discharge for his current term of service, or his term of service would be uncharacterized if less than 180 days had been served on active duty; (4) the basis of each characterization of service, the discharge certificates received for each, and his character of service would become part of a permanent record which may be provided to any Federal agency if they were to apply for either federal employment or security clearance; (5) the possible effects that each type of discharge would have on reenlistment, civilian employment, veteran benefits, and related matters; (6) that a general discharge would cause loss of civil service retirement credit; (7) that other than honorable discharge would result in him being reduced to the lowest rank, loss of payment of accrued leave, and loss of all benefits administered by the Veterans Administration and other federal and state agencies; (8) that separation prior to ETS may
His Sunday shift was temporary adjusted (June 6) with working 2 hrs OT due to SSP working summer hours (he was upset about that and we had discuss this before he took the shift) and he has only worked 2 Sunday since. He had requested VA before his shift got change and was approved. In between the approve VA he calls out sick FMLA
Did you know that the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) provides employment protection of individuals performing uniformed/military services, whether voluntary or involuntary? Federal employees are obligated to employment protection as long as military service lasts no longer than a cumulative total of five (5) years except for service in support of Contingency Operations or otherwise exempt. Additionally, Federal Employees entering military service, whether in support of a Contingency or Non Contingency Operations are approved for absence otherwise known as Absent-Uniformed Service (A-US) or Separation-Uniformed Service (Sep-US), without concern for loss of employment or employer retribution. Furthermore, a
Once an employee receives their DoD clearance, and has been selected to fill a classified production position, the HRBP over classified programs will notify the applicable HRBP that the program clearance process is being initiated. This will provide the HRBP with at least one (1) month to find a replacement for the employee who will be transferring to a classified production position. The program clearance typically takes one to three months to be
c. Months spent absent from employment due to military service will be credited towards the 12 month requirement.
Military status protection covers the employment rights of military veterans and reservists. The two most important laws that protect the rights of veterans and reservists are the Vietnam Era Readjustment Assistance Act (VERA) of 1974 and the Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994 (Mathis, Jackson, Valentine, & Meglich, 2017). In this paper we are going to focus on the most recent law that effect employers the USERRA.
Effective immediately, Sailors and Marines being processed for any type of involuntary administrative separation (ADSEP) who have a diagnosed mental health condition may be referred into the Disability Evaluation System.
Ethical dilemmas are particularly sensitive issues in the workplace because the well-being of the individuals and the organization as a whole are at stake. Employees must feel as though they are being supported and not punished, and should not feel as though they were being put on display; their dignity should always remain intact. This paper examines how, as a high school principle, I would address the issue of one of the high school teachers becoming addicted to prescription drugs.
The mediator are presenting during process, thru the agreement between the parties. Legally binding in most judicial systems.
1) This company will not discriminate in hiring practices or procedures based on race, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, age, gender, political affiliation, or country of origin.
Personal values may conflict with ethical decision making if those personal values are different than the organizational norms of the business or institution. Constructing, and maintaining personal ethics in the workplace rests with the individual, and how willing he or she is in assimilating to the evolving cultural dynamic of the corporate world. Many times a person find their personal, cultural and/or organizational ethics conflicting and must reconcile a course of action that will mitigate cognitive dissonance. In order to be a productive member of society, in small groups and globally, one must reconcile these conflicts on a daily basis and continually move forward while maintaining personal integrity and
Employment discrimination refers to employees who are discriminated by employers because of employee’s race, gender, physical and mental disability, age, and religious beliefs. It is a serious problem since the employment relationship appeared. With the effort of many individuals and organizations and the protection of laws and policies, employment discrimination have been reduced to some extent, while it is still severe in many areas and countries. This paper focuses on common discrimination in employment on the basis of some human resource laws and tries to figure out how to alleviated discrimination by effective human resource management.