
Ethical Dilemmas Of The Hiring Process

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I agree that there could be issues or risks if the individual isn't gained militarily prior to the PCS and/or transfer effective date, because anything could go wrong. Therefore, I believe the wing/unit should ensure that all documents regarding the prospective employee are completed and submitted with the hire (transfer) packet, to include military orders placing them in a CNG unit of assignment. That would be considered a "healthy hire packet". An issue I foresee is with a military member (e.g. AGR) who's being appointed as a technician while on terminal leave. If we require the enlistment to CNG prior to the hire date and the release from active duty date, then it will be an issue for sure. The 5 USC states a member in such a case can accept the federal civil position and receive such compensation for that position while on terminal leave. Would we have a separate rule for those in this type of situation? …show more content…

I don't think it is necessary to issue a 30 day letter in such a case as this. But I agree that the individual shouldn't be allowed to work in the losing state as a technician once he's been transferred militarily to CA, but he/she could request leave until the transfer date. Normally, the losing agency would not issue a 30 day letter, because they are made aware of the "transfer" to another government agency, and a separation action will be processed either manually or automatically system generated the day before the transfer action. The GPPA specifies we should not terminate an employee in such a case, until the SF-50 or SF 52 has been received. Therefore, when we lose an employee to another state and are contacted by the gaining agency, we await the "pick-up" SF-50. We do not terminate them because the intent is to ensure the transfer is a smooth process without any loss of

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