Effects of Hunting on Animal Populations
Hunting has been around for generations. The earliest man used it for the purpose of gathering food to feed himself and the ones around him. Hunting for sport/recreation back in the day was only common for royalty. [Hunting] In the past 2-3 hundred years, things have changed. Most of us don't need to go hunt for our food as we can go buy it in a store. But compared to previous times, hunting for sport has become more common than ever before. In this paper, I want to discuss the the pros/cons of both sides of hunting and the ethical issues that surround the sport. People who are pro hunting say that it helps keep the always growing population of certain animals to a sustainable level. They cite
Hunting is a common controversial issue among people. Determining when killing an animal is necessary and ethical has mixed viewpoints. One type of hunting that generally creates feelings of animosity among people is trophy hunting. There are very few ethical theories and ideas that support trophy hunting. Trophy hunting is a form of hunting in which the hunter kills an animal with the main goal of taking a part or parts of that animal for a trophy. The majority of trophy hunting occurs in Africa, with big game as the most popular trophies, but trophy hunting also applies to non-exotic species as well. In this paper, I will start with introducing a recent incident involving the killing of a popular African lion, then outlining the main ethical issues with trophy hunting. Next I will analyze the trophy hunting from an anthropocentric, biocentric, and ecocentric viewpoint, and finally I will propose a few solutions that would make trophy hunting a more ethical activity. Trophy hunting has been said to provide many benefits to conservation and preservation of species but is ethically lacking; with some stronger laws and regulations trophy hunting has the potential to be both ethically acceptable and beneficial to the environment.
In America, deer are an animal hunted widely throughout our country. Each winter citizens have mixed emotions about the sport. Some say its barbaric and cruel, while others argue that it’s beneficial and useful. Although people may say hunting is cruel and barbaric, have they ever thought about the upsides to be gained from hunting? While this is a topic that can be argued viciously back and forth, I believe hunters win the argument. Deer hunting keeps the population down, protects farmers’ crops, boosts economic sales, betters a person’s mental health, and teaches lifelong lessons on respect. These are just a few of the amazing benefits that can be gained from hunting.
Hunting is a common activity all around the world, and if performed properly, can have many benefits to us and the rest of the planet. The art of hunting has been around since the beginning of time. Living off of the land used to be a necessity across the world, until the mass production of food came along. In America, people do not usually need to hunt to survive. However, the population of animal species needs to be controlled. Too many of one type of animal can cause a drastic change to any ecosystem. Food supplies decline quickly, leaving many animals without food. Hunting can help keep the population of a group of animals at a good number, making the lives of the other
In his letter titled “Why Recreational Hunting in Western Canada is Morally Justified,” Sven states that he is arguing for “responsible hunting where the primary benefits are the pleasure of hunting animals in the wilderness and eating their meat.” Despite several strengths, his weaknesses in reasoning outweigh the few positives. Thus, the letter’s overall worth is negligible. The letter’s weaknesses in reasoning lie in Sven’s central justifications for recreational hunting, being human pleasure and eating meat, in his supporting argument for animal suffering, and in his failure to define recreational hunting’s necessity.
Hunting is an extremely controversial topic in the U.S. Since the beginning of history, man has hunted animals for food to live and to utilize other parts for clothing and other essential reasons. There are many people who are strongly opposed to hunting and think that it should be banned. There are also many people that support hunting and think that it is an acceptable thing to do. One such writer, Rick Bass, describes a similar emotion in his essay, “Why I hunt”. In the essay, he emphasizes his deep love for hunting and claims that it is an enjoyable activity. He employs such details to his story describing his surrounding beautifully that towards the end of the article, his attempts to appeal to reader’s imagination strengthen his
“The Facts About Hunting.” Friends of Animals And Their Benefits. Friends of Animals And Their Benefits, Web. 8 November 2013
Hunting has become a staple of American traditions since the beginning of the first hunter/gatherers, to the Native Americans who have lived in the U.S for millennia, even all the way until present day. Much of today’s society looks at hunting as a cruel activity when in reality it has more of a positive effect on the environment than it does harm. There are an abundance of benefits that come from hunting. Some of the benefits of hunting are: it is the biggest contribution to conserving wildlife, the meat is healthier than commercially produced meat, many jobs are being supported out of hunting, and every hunter wants “to bag” the trophy animal; however, there are a few cons to this, which include poaching and interference by the activist
Advocators may attest that big game hunting controls animal population, however this is not accurate information because they fail to realize the excessive amounts of animals that are slaughtered by hunters. Pertinent to an article written by NLCATP.org, “Without the existence of hunting research shows that some animal species populations might grow to large numbers that are not ideal.” Even though this may reveal little truth, we must not be ignorant to the fact that hunting and “big game” hunting are two different activities. Big game hunting is usually
“Hunting is good for the environment because one it helps keep down on the deer herd and other animals that are hunted.”(Smith) ”When you hunt you help herds of animals from getting to over populated. When the deer herds are kept to a lower number there is less likely of a chance for diseases to start to get spread around in return killing off a lot of the deer herd. Hunting to keep down on the deer herd also helps prevent interbreeding. When there gets to be too many deer in one herd there is a good possibility that interbreeding can occur and then birth defects could occur as well as health problems. When deer herds are kept to a low number there is not as much of a chance for deer and vehicle crashes to happen. When there is smaller deer herds that are controlled by hunting the
The deer and elk population is growing at an alarming rate. According to Outdoor Life, the "Whitetail deer population grew from 29.8 million in 1994 to 32.7 million today." According to Garth Kidd, the solution to this overgrowth problem is hunting. If we were to get rid of hunting,
When a wealthy American dentist killed a prized African lion he unintentionally reignited the debate concerning the morality of hunting. In this essay, I am going to provide an argument for the morality of hunting. Hunting, when performed with correct moral intentions and in compliance with regulations, is a morally acceptable act. I will first provide background definitions used in my essay followed by a formal layout of my argument. Next, I will discuss each premise of my argument separately and explain how they prove my argument plausible. Lastly, I will consider an objection to my argument and respond to it accordingly.
In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen”("MARC FOLCO: Some hunting, fishing quotes to live by"). Hunters are the leading source for all conservation programs. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most passionate hunters. People put down hunting like it’s a bad thing. Many hunters contribute billions of dollars the the economy. Hunting should not be banned because of the positive impacts it has on society.
2).With 12.5 million hunters in the United States, it seems as though most families have a reason to support hunting rights in country. Safety is a top propriety; new younger hunters are now required to pass a gun hunting safety class. The safety class deals with such issues as proper handling of a firearm, and safety issues and how one must never point a gun at anything that the hunter does not want to kill.“The hunter education course instills in students the knowledge and skill to be a responsible and safe hunter. The basic course consists of 10 lessons during a minimum of 10 hours. Students learn how hunting accidents are caused and how they can be prevented. Hunter responsibility and safety are stressed throughout the classes, which consist of lectures, demonstrations, group discussions, practical exercises, and individual study and activity assignments” (Wisconsin department of natural resources, 2009, p.1). Hunting is also important to the economy of the country in 2006, [125 million hunters entered the woods spending $22.9 billion that would have not went into the economy without hunting. Total cost of hunting equipment for hunting was $10.7 Billion](“2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation,” 2006). Which would not have went to local business without hunting. Hunting is not just a pastime in the United States; it is big business
Hunters, activist or conservationists have a common goal “ensure that endangered species are here for generations to come” . Some comments that conservation trough commerce is a worthy way to manage natural resources and create awareness of endangered species. Hunters are more likely to be interested in support charities in order to prevent endangered animals to become extinct.
Everyday thousands of animals are brutally murdered by people that participate in the recreational activity that is hunting. Hunting is an activity that involves a person attempting to kill or trap an animal. Hunting is mainly done to animals in the wildlife and often in cases are used for food, clothing, recreation or trade. In my opinion hunting is morally wrong.