
Uber Code Of Business Ethics

Decent Essays

In order to understand if Uber is a technology or service oriented company, it is important to analyze the different aspects of the business and who is directly and indirectly involved and affected by actions of the stakeholders. The sole method in which customers access any sort of information is through an application that functions on smartphones, or through the company’s website, thus concluding that Uber must label part of it’s identity as a technology company. This aspect of the company may resonate with certain individuals in the company. Members that occupy a higher status within the company, or exclusively provide technological insight may only identify Uber as a technical company, however there are other stakeholders required to provide and receive services within the company.
Employees of Uber who operate vehicles and supply transportation to customers who request a car service make up the service characteristic of the company. These individuals may not appear to hold much direct power in influencing the company, as the hierarchical structure of this particular business places tends to place service oriented stakeholders closer to the bottom. Uber is both a tech and service company, allowing for many variables when addressing how and why the company functions.
● What are the ethical obligations Uber has to its various stakeholders?
Addressing principles surrounding a code of ethics challenges individual ethical perspective within a constructed view or morals

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