
Ethical Issues In Nursing

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Ethics in nursing is a series of action and decisions that are in the best interest of the patient and dictate what must be done; is a process of determining right conduct from wrong. It involve principles that guides in everyday clinical practice. This means ethics is an obligation within the nursing practice. Whereas Legal is a set of rules and regulation that guides society in a formal and binding manner. The legal system gives continuing guidance t health care providers, regardless of their personal views and values. Understanding one’s ethics and values is the step in understanding the ethics and values of others and in assuring the delivery of appropriate nursing care. Nurses continue to struggle with complex ethical issue in our daily …show more content…

Justice. Treat all people fairly, and give what is due or owed.
5. Fidelity. Keep promises, and don’t make promises you can’t keep. Maintain confidentiality. Be honest and tell the truth (called veracity).
6. Veracity is the principle of truthfulness. It requires the health-care provider to tell the truth and not to intentionally deceive or mislead clients (Catalano 126). Catalano emphasis that veracity is not a law however the basic foundations for building trusting relationship between nurse and client

One of the dilemma’s nurse’s encounter in their practice is abortion. How does a nurse care for a patient who has had an abortion, when the nurse considers abortion murder? Can that nurse with very opposing values support that patient’s right to choose her autonomy? This is really an issue that is very controversial, but at the end of the day, I think the choice to continue a pregnancy should be left to the woman (autonomy) to decide and the right to freedom of choice. Which in this case the individual have the right to be treated equally regardless of race, gender, marital status, medical diagnosis, social standing, economic level, or religious belief. (Catalano 125). Ethical dilemmas are influenced by one’s own beliefs and values. One way of resolving this such a dilemma is through ethical decision making framework by applying the principles of

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