1. Misuse of company resources. It seemed that Leslie, didn't want to listen to what Jackie had to say just because of the "rumors" that she heard. Also because Leslie and Curtis had a fling as well. Just because Jackie and Curtis had a relationship doesn't mean it gives him the right to still harass her. Leslie is using her position to almost threaten her to keep it hush hush. Curtis is also using intimidating behavior to get what he wants. Curtis is not turning her music in to the radio stations because she won't give him what he wants, which is being a bully. The biggest ethical issue and dilemma that Jackie is facing is, sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is any repeated, unwanted behavior, that is sexual from one person to another(Ferrell, …show more content…
Personally, I feel as is Jackie is the victim of both illegal sexual harassment and gender discrimination. I think Jackie is a victim of gender discrimination because if she was a man, Curtis wouldn't treat her the way that he is. In my opinion, if it were a man claiming that a woman is sexually harassing him, I feel that Leslie would have take the matter more seriously. Also, Leslie probably heard the rumors that she did about Jackie and Curtis while she and Curtis were probably having their own relationship. So that made Leslie upset, so when Jackie came to her about the issues she was having, she discriminated against her because of who she is. Jackie is also the victim of illegal sexual harassment as well. Jackie did have a relationship with her manager, but after she called it off, he kept on harassing her. The harassment became so bad that Jackie couldn't even lay down her vocal tracks because he made her feel so uncomfortable. By Curtis telling her that she could change the fact that he is not sharing her music with the label and radio station because she will not have a sexual relationship with him. Leslie stated that she had heard that Jackie was sleeping with Curtis, and she should have went to Jackie when she heard what she
While on scene Leslie TAPIA continued to yell at Hope BAKER and Ernesto TAPIA at an unreasonable and excessive level. Leslie TAPIA was requested to stop yelling on numerous occasions, but would not comply with our request. I informed her that she would be arrested if she did not stop yelling. She continued to yell at Hope BAKER and Ernesto TAPIA while she was inside the home as well as outside while standing in the street. Leslie TAPIA was again advised that if she did not stop yelling she would be arrested for persistent disorderly conduct. She refused to comply and continued to yell.
In the novel The Outsiders by S.E. HINTON the main character Ponyboy’s identity changes multiple times over the text. In the beginning of the story Ponyboy was introduced as a greaser, a greaser is someone who is usually poorer than the middle class and like to screw around and start gang fights and they are considered hoods as stated on pages 2-3, “We’re poorer than the Socs and the middle class. I reckon we’re wilder, too. Not like the Socs, who jump greasers and wreck houses and throw beer blasts for kicks, and get editorials in the paper for being a public disgrace almost like hoods.” this shows that even though the Socs are much more wild the greasers are still considered the bad crazy hood people. Ponyboy didn’t like being a greaser
People often create barriers with others due to physical features and decide to withdraw themselves from exploring further into an individual’s personality. Within The Insiders, it is shown that racial divides still are a common occurrence in society, but it is something that is slowly dissipating. The protagonist, a female highschooler named Taylor, and the antagonist, a male classmate of Taylor’s named Liam, fill the exposition with their contrasting personalities. Living in the 2000’s, Taylor is a victim of Liam’s bullying because of the color of her shirt, the interaction that happens between Taylor and Liam represents the main conflict. This conflict continues throughout the rising action.
The ethical dilemmas and issues taken from the case are first, the lack of integrity. Curtis is helping Jackie to launch her singing career and helping her to find a nice house as well as assisting her in moving exemplifies self-interest (Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2013). Curtis also pursued a romantic relationship with Jackie that can also be viewed as having self-interest. There is also evidence presented of abusive and intimidating behavior. Curtis has created a hostile work environment by harassing Jackie with phone calls and in-person advances, thus, causing Jackie to be unable to perform. Leslie also exemplifies unethical behavior by lying to Jackie regarding her request for help in Curtis’s actions. Curtis used bribery
S.E. Hinton shows in the book that part of the main idea is the consequences the characters have to deal with. The are many different things that affect the characters in the outsiders including the lack of money, abundance of money, and family issues. The East-side is made up with greasers which are poor kids that were their hair greased back which is were the main characters live. Then there is the West-side rich kids that were nice sweaters, jeans, jackets, and have fancy cars which is where a couple of side characters. The book is explaining the characters and what leads up to the climax for half the book and shows the real consequences when things sink in and go down hill.
The story The Outsiders, written by S.E. Hinton, was a popular novel because of how realistic it was. The novel was successful because it included famous people and items from the 1960s. These items allowed for people to read the story and make connections. One of the topics that was referenced in the book was Perry Mason. Perry Mason was a popular television series that made readers understand how Ponyboy viewed the courtroom.
Have you ever had two friends that are enemies? In the story, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, Cherry Valance (her real name is Sherri) is a fashionable, fiery, red headed, emotional, understanding, and trustworthy friend. The story took place in the mid 1960’s in Tulsa, OK. Greasers and Socs are two very different, yet same groups, which most definitely do not get along. After Ponyboy and Johnny got jumped, Johnny killed Bob, a Soc who was also Cherry’s boyfriend. During Ponyboy and Johnny’s hiding out in an abandoned church, the church starts on fire, while the children are playing in there. Johnny and Ponyboy somehow made their way back in to save the kids. Johnny and Ponyboy both made it out alive. Unfortunately, however, Johnny gets out with severe burns and a broken back. While he is in the hospital, Cherry has a conflict with herself: she is asked by Ponyboy to go see Johnny in the hospital, but she says no because she doesn’t want to face the person who killed Bob. In the time of the trial, Cherry and other Soc’s testify and come clean about the night of the stabbing. Consequently, since they told the truth, Johnny, Sodapop, and Darry all got to stay together. Cherry Valance is an emotional, caring, and trustworthy friend.
After reviewing the different ethical issues and dilemmas in Chapter Three, I would have to say that sexual harassment is what is being done to Jackie in the Sing and Dance scenario. As we have learned, sexual harassment can be defined as any repeated, unwanted behavior of a sexual nature perpetrated upon one individual by another (Ferrell, Fraedrich, Ferrell, 2013. Although Jackie and Curtis had a relationship in the beginning once it ended Curtis held it over her heard. Curtis knew he was her manager and basically took advantage of it. Curtis displayed a hostile work environment for Jackie.
Have you ever thought about how life would be like without your family and friends? Throughout this novel, The Outsiders, By S.E. Hinton, three brother share many common conflicts between each other. Every brother and sister have been in fights or arguments, but after everything, you still love them. Darry, Soda, and Pony have changed dramatically throughout the novel.
Fracis Ford Coppola’s “The Outsiders” (1983) is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by E.Hinton published in 1967. There are many theories that can be found throughout the movie, victim precipitation theory, differential association theory, strain theory and labeling theory are the most prevalent. The story takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma and revolves around the story of a 14 year old Greaser named Ponyboy Curtis. The town is split into two conflicting adolescent groups, the Greasers and the Socs. The Greasers are of lower class standings with harsh upbringings, poor kids from the wrong side of town (north) and are considered delinquents. The Socs, are privileged kids living on the south side who have an easy life where everything
An important decision made in the novel is when, Johnny and Ponyboy run into the church and rescue the kids that are trapped inside is because it affected their lives. The decision made by Johnny and Ponyboy to rescue children greatly affected their lives and it shows the readers that Greasers are people who care for others, not the dangerous trouble-makers they made out to be. It also led to people recognizing them as heroes. While saving the kids the roof fall on Johnny which lead him towards his death after a few days in hospital and Ponyboy with minor injuries and unconsciousness due to the smoke inhaled. As a result of this it is shown as the Greasers are good people as they are the members of the gang who gave up their lives to save the children, normally a gang member would only think of their selves they don’t not put their life behind the line for others, as they are very stonehearted
Nurse Jackie is curt and assertive when interacting with other members of the health care team (Hudis & Zisk, 2009). In this episode one of the patients that she provides care for dies from an acute subdural hematoma. Jackie had pushed the doctor to order a brain scan, however the doctor had insisted
The Outsiders is about the Greasers and the Socs seeing their differences in a new way and learning that they aren’t as different as they think. The theme of “The Outsiders” is ‘crossing over the gap between the rich and the poor’. The author conveys this through character, symbols and events. S.E. Hinton shows the theme by everyone having their own personal suffering.
“The Outsiders” identifies the 60’s, illustrating the violence between groups, often involving a group’s social class. For instance, the violent tensions between the Socs and Greasers lead to Bob’s death, Johnny’s death, as well as many injuries throughout both gangs. The book “The Outsiders” is written by S.E. Hinton and is portrayed through the eyes of a high school student in Tulsa, OK where S.E. Hinton grew up. Hinton began writing “The Outsiders” in 1965 at the age of 17 and the book was finally published in 1967 when she was 19. The difference in perspective upon the society and social class creates issues throughout “The Outsiders” and since the Socs and Greasers assume the problems will be solved with violence, they take action.
See, Leslie was the type of girl who had it all. Well, that was up until 4 years ago and then it only went downhill from there. Her mother is the reason why she seems like a rebel. Before that, she had a bright future; straight-A student, very involved at school, never been in trouble for anything. So her being here, it bugs her, a lot.