
Ethical Issues on Reproductive Technology

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Ethical issues on Reproductive technology Ethics is the matter of the heart and when we discuss the heart we will all ways have conflict. Just for the simple fact that ethics in dealing with assisted reproductive technology is like a domino effect, when you answer one question another one arises. When we bring up the law in the United States about marital status and assisted reproductive technology (ART) you must be in a stable relationship, but what I found interesting is they have yet to define a couple, the relationship. Legislation does not allow discretion or the possibility that it was used, there is no grey area. Who qualifies; infertile couples, only married couples, gay couples, lesbian couples, HIV-positive couples what about …show more content…

Major ethical views have been questioned when it comes to PGD, for example a women is pregnant with a baby boy who will be a tissue and a lifesaver for his older brother. Doctor Bill Glasson the president of the Australian Medical Association says “if the intent to create another child that is disease free and can help the sibling then it could be morally correct, but if the intent is to create an embryo that

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