
Ethical Leadership : An Effective Leader

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To be an effective leader one is apt in charting the path which leads to designated goal. An effective leader is able to get followers to their common destination. But not every effective leader is an ethical leader. Hartman et al. (2014) indicates that one key difference between an ethical is the means used to motivate others and achieve goals. Another element of ethical leadership, as indicated by Hartman et al. (2004) the end or objective toward which the leader leads. I believe these are key because the leader’s means to achieve the ends (objective) are far too often cause of their ultimate fall from glory. Akker, Heres, & Lasthuizen (2009) state that ethical leadership is a relational concept in the sense that it is constructed in and through social interactions with followers. I will discuss this point in more detail
Hartman et al. (2014) define an ethical leader as one who succeeds in a manner that respects subordinates and/or empowers them to become creative and successful in themselves. The text poses the following two questions
(1) Is profitability and efficiency accomplished through ethical means alone enough to make a business leader an ethical leader? (2) Imagine a business leader who empowers her or his subordinates, respects their autonomy by consulting and listening, but who leads a business that publishes child pornography or pollutes the environment or sells weapons to radical organizations. Would the method of leading, alone, determine the ethical

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