
Ethics And Equine Welfare In The Round Pen Session

Decent Essays

Ethics and welfare of any animal or person should be in the consideration process when planning a session. For this paper I chose to explain the ethics and equine welfare used in the round pen session with Taffy. The session included getting a horse and working on connecting with the horse to get Taffy to perform certain tasks without upsetting her or getting upset yourself. In any session the horse’s well-being should be protected on any level. You should not take a horse into unfamiliar territory and not expect it to act in a different manner. Taffy had obviously been to the round pen before and was well aware what was inside the tall round structure. She was a good choice for the activity on both the horse and human part because she had already known what to expect so she would not freak out on the inexperienced horse people in the class if they chose to tackle the activity on their own. The horse was always in good watch by the experienced people in the class and was well taken care of in aspects of not being worked too hard during the activity. I think that this activity could have potentially been beneficial to the horse in numerous ways. Even though the activity was not strenuous on Taffy, she did receive exercise for about forty five minutes. The horse could have also benefited …show more content…

Potential harm from the activity could be that an inexperienced person could do something to trigger the horse into a behavior that is unwanted. Horses tend to be prone to injury so any type of activity could be dangerous especially one that could involve exercise. The exercise and round pen could have caused unnecessary stress on Taffy. The round pen could have also been another safety issue presented because there could be foreign objects that could cause physical injury to the horse buried in the dirt. A potential harm could have also been if Taffy had stable mate and was anxious and nervous without the other horse in

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