
Ethics Case Study: Doctors Without Borders

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Doctors without borders
Doctors without borders has had a positive effect on the world despite the negative things said about them. Or the bad things happening to them Doctors without borders continue to work and nothing stops them unless in extreme danger. The good thing about doctor without borders is that “In many places, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is able to have an impact beyond its immediate activities, reaching populations or pioneering the use of practices in ways that have far-reaching and lasting consequences. The following case studies, which document instances in which MSF's medical work did indeed have an impact beyond the moment”. The impact MSF leaves isn't a temporary one they help many people that …show more content…

And that’s because they don’t have any political agenda at all which lifts a lot of limited things such as where they can get their permission they are free ranged and do things for the betterment of others. The only issue with this though is that resources are limited and logistics are challenging. The teams of MSF works knowing that resources will be limited there won’t be any electricity and security conditions can curtail their work. Also natural disasters like flooding that can wipe out roads. It would be necessary to use up money to use planes,boats and other things to transport materials. Even after all this everyone still tries to bring and work the best they can no matter what. MSF helps neglected populations such as houndarius capital tegucigalpa. Which has a few of the highest homicide rates. The reason for this is because of the high drug trafficking where gangs do business and engage in turf wars. There are also a lot of people working as commercial sex workers or drug dealers. So the fact that there is no health care and a high amount of sex workers means STI or STDS which isn't any better at all spreads quickly and no way to treat it in any shape or form so there would just be rapid …show more content…

The other most important thing about being in the MSF team is mental health. Mental health can play a big role in any situation. Since MSF is constantly around people whose feet are blown off and other body parts. Not only do they have to deal with that they have to deal with people that take humanitarian as prisoners and kill them. And this is constant pressure and anxiety this can make people freak out and other sorts of things anxiety can do so much to your body that you don’t know about. Things that can cause other reasons to be stress is relationship problems not as girlfriend boyfriend more like who hates who and who gets along with who this can cause tension and everyone will be stressed out worried about that a lack of communication with friends and relatives back home, insecure people that always worry, difficult relations with local authorities,poor living conditions and diet. This doesn’t allow people to work at their full potential which would cause ruin between staff and other things even the patience will cause other issues with other patience and everything can backfire a MSF staff member once said that he needed to have a copious amount of partying and sex to relieve stress but everyone has a different way of relieving stress and whatever works for that person it helps them and prevents them from whatever they do under stress like falling into depression

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