The community clinic has been a great experience to test our abilities and skills for the future as doctors of physical therapy. This opportunity helps students to get to know the strengths and weaknesses in real situations with patients. The community clinic is truly helpful and gives us, students, the chance of experiencing what our future jobs as physical therapy doctors will be like. The combination of practice, observation and feedback from classmates, professors and third year mentors gives a considerable amount of useful knowledge. Professional conduct in clinical practice is important since it is seen as a sign of trust by the patients. During the community clinic, I experienced the opportunity to treat and observe patients who relied …show more content…
During the community clinic, I have learnt that professionalism plays a major role when treating or observing patients since it is essential for building a trustful relationship with the patients. Trustworthiness proves the patient that they can rely on the provider, in this case, us, students. By building a trustful relationship with the patient, they feel more confident about sharing information which might be crucial for an accurate and beneficial diagnosis. Being respectful and demonstrating high moral standards proves the patient that the main purpose of the service they are seeking is merely their wellness. In order to act professional, it is important to also use empathy when communicating with the patients. It is essential to understand what they are thinking and how they might be feeling in order to respect their thoughts. In the community clinic, I have learned to always try to express the patient that the commitment level and compromise to helping them is one hundred percent. In order to accomplish that, it is essential to act as professionals and show regard for the patients. My view of …show more content…
For some students, in which I include myself, learning is much easier when is experienced in a real setting as the community clinic. I learn the most from reflecting on my own mistakes and this was a great opportunity to make a lot of mistakes and reflect on them. While doing my second patient observation, I remember thinking on how great experience the clinic was and how great I felt about reinforcing once again how bad I want to become a doctor of physical therapy. If I had to change one thing about this activity, it would be either having more patients to treat and observe or doing it again during the summer semester. I know there was a lot of work put into it by the third years and the professors and in my case, the outcome was significantly
Even after school is completed, I will continue to pursue learning opportunities to grow with the profession in the changing healthcare world because I believe it is essential so that patients will have the best opportunity to succeed when working with me.
The video presented the ethics and boundaries and factors that affect those boundaries such as addiction, abuse, absent role models, and patients assuming the professional shares the same feelings as he or she does. Then the video discusses issues the doctor may incur such as “special treatment” of patients, time management, poor awareness of feelings, and the response to the patient.
Patients seek care and treatment in hopes of receiving confidential, unbiased, honest, and respectful treatment. They also expect that care providers maintain their personal values and beliefs related to their care. As healthcare
As health care providers, professionalism, respect and empathy should play an essential role in our daily routine. These core values allow us as health care providers to demonstrate understanding, compassion, and appreciation for our patients and their experiences. Utilizing these virtues will allow for an experience that will make the patient feel respected, valued and wanting to return.
A common value shared throughout this community is allowing your patients to trust you with their health needs. Allowing them to trust you builds a relationship with the patients, as well as others in your profession.
When patients go to a doctor’s office, they need to know that the PA/NP that is treating them is highly qualified. They should feel safe and know that they are in safe capable hands. A patient should never feel like they are not getting the proper care. Patients need to know that they are being
The doctor-patient relationship always has been and will remain an essential basis of care, in which high quality information is gathered and procedures are made as well as provided. This relationship is a critical foundation to medical ethics that all doctors should attempt to follow and live by. Patients must also have confidence in their physicians to trust the solutions and work around created to counter act certain illnesses and disease. Doctor-patient relationships can directly be observed in both the stories and poems of Dr. William Carlos Williams as well as in the clinical tales of Dr. Oliver Sacks. Both of these doctors have very similar and diverse relationships with multiple patients
Health professionals are required to act and behave in a certain manner in accordance with their profession. Therefore specific statements, ethical guidelines, and codes of conduct are created and introduced to each health discipline to assist practitioners in providing safe and effective client care. Professional identity is the reputation and overall image an individual portrays in their discipline. These standards such as being competent, trustworthy and respectful are important factors that influence an individual's professional identity and the way the public views them. Ultimately each health profession has these rules and regulations to improve patients overall health and for each professional to have a healthy, strong relationship with
A 35-year-old man named Paul, who has a supportive wife and two adventurous kids, has been diagnosed with a very severe case of bone cancer for 1 year now. Since this type of cancer is so severe, chemotherapy is starting to not work as well. Paul’s oncologist unfortunately had to suggest a final option for Paul to try which was a clinical research trial. Clinical research trials are experimental studies that deem whether or not a medical drug, treatment, surgery, or device is safe and beneficial for humans to use ("National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute"). As explained in Marcia Angell’s Article, “The Ethics of Clinical Research in the Third World”, the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Health Organization (WHO) provides a guideline
In today’s health care industry, mechanical restraints are often used to maintain patients’ behavior and ensure their safety when treating the elderly and the severely ill (Gatsmans & Milisen, 2006). There are many variations of mechanical restraints, but all are defined as “any device, material or equipment attached to or near a person 's body and which cannot be controlled or easily removed by the person and which deliberately prevents or is deliberately intended to prevent a person 's free body movement to a position of choice and/or a person 's normal access to their body” (Gatsmans & Milisen, 2006, p.
Healthcare encompasses ethical issues related to business in addition to ethics concerning patient care. Physicians, hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare entities are subject to the potential for fraud and abuse. There are complex regulations and laws associated with Medicare and Medicaid, The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are in place to prevent and/or address the unethical issues of fraud and abuse (Krause, 2013).
Professional Communication is a very important element in the foundation for a strong health care system. Communication can also serve as a basis for basic health care administered. Communication is not only the one tool in health care in which we can control, but also what helps prevent the derailment in patient-healthcare professional trust.. Types of model that can help express how important professional communication is within health care is the movie titled, The Doctor. There are various examples in this movie in which the importance of professional communication is portrayed and supports the argument, as well. These types of examples and supporting data can also be found in real life testimonies of what type of situations can result from lack of professional communication in the health care setting. Communication teaches the importance in human-to-human contact that some hospitals and health care setting may lack due to the certain personality type that is more attracted to the roles of doctors. Professional communication should remain at the forefront of bed side manner and proper etiquette in the health care field and setting.
It is important for me to continue to have respect for myself, my coworkers, but most of all, respect for my patients in my chosen profession. I must treat them with honestly and in turn, they will do the same. My patients must know that they can confide in me and count on me at all times. I will honor nonmaleficence and strive to beneficence my patients at all times. By doing this, I will remain accountable to myself, my patients, and to the code of
The social interaction is an integral part of everyday life of each individual, which is learned from the early childhood and is innate in its nature. It includes the social exchange of information, the ability to communicate, decide, and take responsibility for one’s action. The routine work of healthcare professionals includes the information exchange on an everyday basis. The excellent knowledge of primary disciplines necessary for the practice is crucial for the healthcare professional; however, one can encounter the difficulties without the deeper understanding of ethical principles of communication in the healthcare environment. The book “Health Professional and Patient Interaction”” by R. Purtilo, A. Haddad, and R. Doherty introduces the readers with the basic ethical principles and behaviors in the healthcare setting. The key points that the healthcare professional has to practice to achieve success and harmonic professional relationship with the patient are: respect in all circumstances, the ability to listen, the readiness for challenges, and care with empathy to the patient situation beyond any limits.
Professionalism is an adherence to a set of values comprising both a formally agreed-upon code of conduct and the informal expectations of colleagues, clients and society. The key values include acting in a patient's interest, responsiveness to the health needs of society, maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the practice of medicine and in the generation and dissemination of knowledge. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, medical professionals should present psychosocial and humanistic qualities such as caring, empathy, humility and compassion, as well as social responsibility and sensitivity to people's culture and beliefs. All these qualities are expected of members of highly trained professions.