
Ethics In Clinical Practice

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The community clinic has been a great experience to test our abilities and skills for the future as doctors of physical therapy. This opportunity helps students to get to know the strengths and weaknesses in real situations with patients. The community clinic is truly helpful and gives us, students, the chance of experiencing what our future jobs as physical therapy doctors will be like. The combination of practice, observation and feedback from classmates, professors and third year mentors gives a considerable amount of useful knowledge. Professional conduct in clinical practice is important since it is seen as a sign of trust by the patients. During the community clinic, I experienced the opportunity to treat and observe patients who relied …show more content…

During the community clinic, I have learnt that professionalism plays a major role when treating or observing patients since it is essential for building a trustful relationship with the patients. Trustworthiness proves the patient that they can rely on the provider, in this case, us, students. By building a trustful relationship with the patient, they feel more confident about sharing information which might be crucial for an accurate and beneficial diagnosis. Being respectful and demonstrating high moral standards proves the patient that the main purpose of the service they are seeking is merely their wellness. In order to act professional, it is important to also use empathy when communicating with the patients. It is essential to understand what they are thinking and how they might be feeling in order to respect their thoughts. In the community clinic, I have learned to always try to express the patient that the commitment level and compromise to helping them is one hundred percent. In order to accomplish that, it is essential to act as professionals and show regard for the patients. My view of …show more content…

For some students, in which I include myself, learning is much easier when is experienced in a real setting as the community clinic. I learn the most from reflecting on my own mistakes and this was a great opportunity to make a lot of mistakes and reflect on them. While doing my second patient observation, I remember thinking on how great experience the clinic was and how great I felt about reinforcing once again how bad I want to become a doctor of physical therapy. If I had to change one thing about this activity, it would be either having more patients to treat and observe or doing it again during the summer semester. I know there was a lot of work put into it by the third years and the professors and in my case, the outcome was significantly

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