
Ethics Of Organ Donation Essay

Decent Essays

Due to the growing needs of human organ transplant donors, many medical professionals have attempted to find means of encouraging the public to donate their organs. Therefore, some within the medical profession may suggested that compensation or incentives may help boost the number of organs donor, thus shortening the growing list of needed organs for transplant procedures. As a matter of fact, may individuals within this field consider this method to be ethical sound and efficient since it will encourage the donating of human organs of living and deceased patients (Cherry, 2009). Clearly, the reason why these medical professionals are striving to put this proposition into effect is because it could greatly lower the transplant waiting list. Hence it could possibly save the lives of individuals who are suffering from organ failure and have been …show more content…

Thus, due to this situation people of all diverse walks of life are striving to find means in which to satisfy the necessities of these individuals. Whether it is through the solicitation of functioning organs from newly deceased patients, the stooping of restoring to criminal actions by utilizing the human organ black market, or by offering financial incentives to any individual who would be willing to donate a much-needed vital organ. Evidently, none of these propositions or endeavors would be partaken in if there was not a distinct need for healthy living human organs that can be used with an organ transplant procedure. Thus, it can be view as logical to conclude that because of the need for more human organ donations many people have employed or created plans that have the intention to satisfy this mean. Without the need for human organs there would not be any need for the solicitating, illegal sale, or compensation of human

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