
Ethnic Civilization And Ethnic Colonialism

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The notion of home inside a globalized economy highlights the commodification of stability, in which it has become a privilege to be able to define and enjoy the luxury of having a place to rest one's head at night. Conceptions of land and property are utilized as a mechanism of control and exploitation, in regards to the historical and social legacies that have restricted access of accumulating wealth and property for women, poor people of color, as well as any other identities outside the dominant white-male narrative. This mechanism is ushering the fuel of an evolved form of colonialism, in which the housing market with the help of a repressive political system constructed this concept of ethnic genocide, thus highlighting the erasure of culture by displacing communities deriving from capitalist notions of progress. Progress inside the United States is viewed through modern development, such as high-rise apartment and white-owned local businesses who appropriate cultures for profit, in replace of ensuring progress for communities of colors is housing security. Displacement as form of social control, in which housing economy and policies are ushering a transformation of colonialism as a or in relation to the housing crisis, in which poor communities of color are pushed into certain regions where they can be economically exploited, as well as socially scapegoated. The functionalist perspective has correlations to maintain the status quo by ensuring the legacies of

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