ETH 125: Quiz 4 *Ethnicity and Religion*
**Please highlight the correct answer. Once completed, save and rename the file with your first name and then upload to the Assignment tab which is due next Sunday.**
The following materials are based on Schaefer’s Chapter 5: Ethnicity and Religion
1. The largest ancestral group of European Americans is a. French. b. Irish. c. German. d. Norwegian. 2. Which of the following groups has always been considered White by the English? a. Italians. b. Germans. c. Swedes. d. none of these
3. The principle of third-generation interest states that
a. the grandchildren of the original immigrants would have an
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Which of the following is an example of respectable bigotry? a. Pollock jokes. b. TV shows that depict Italians as members of organized crime. c. The stereotype that most Irish are alcoholics. d. all of these
14. The concept respectable bigotry refers to a. poor Whites’ hostility toward African Americans. b. African American and Puerto Rican hostility toward one another. c. prejudice against White ethnics. d. the government’s attitudes toward
More than three quarters of the world are following a religion, we as human beings use religions as a way of answering the unexplainable questions in life like what happens after we die. What’s similar between these religions even though they’re so spread out? Some believe in gods, some believe in giving up your worldly desires, and some provide a social hierarchy to live your life on.
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Hey you guys it’s been awhile! How are things going back home? Things are going great here. You guys know how America Christianity is the main religion well here in Japan Buddhism and Shinto are the popular religions. I have now acquired a taste for fish and seafood here in Japan they rely on the seas of japan to provide them with their food. The hardest thing for me living here in Japan is I had to learn to read and write Chinse since that is the main language Japanese people read and write. Can’t wait to return and tell you all about my amazing adventures.
Hi it's The King Dog 345 and I have a question for you do you like dinosaurs? I've been waiting to tell you this for a long time. I like dinosaurs because they are very awesome. It is cool to learn about some thing that was alive a long time ago. There are many theories about how dinosaurs died. I think they died because a meteor hit the planet but that is my theory tell your's to
The medieval world became increasingly cosmopolitan through their religious ideas, maintenance of communication through trade, and their expression of cultural values which allowed all societies to maintain a peaceful relationship with one another.
In the early 178th century, a womaen’s role within the Ppuritan community was lesser than a man. They followed Republican Motherhood, an ideal in which there was the superiority of men within the social and political aspects of daily life. In a colonial society it was mandatory that women take care of the household, teach their children skills and support family life; excluding the outside world. No matter how much they wanted to improve their lives through education and self-empowerment, men during this time always wanted to find a way to degrade women, thus making it hard for some women to escape the traditional gender roles. The Scarlet Letter takes place within this era and the main protagonist, Hester Prynne, like other women is being
The religious movement, a break of religion all over the where the main control of the catholic church broke. The ides of marriage were altered , “by which all that is the husband's is also the wife's” to show separation from the main part of religion (Luther document 4). Where people would not just give in to the christian way , “cannot submit [their] faith either to the Pope or to the Councils... frequently erred and contradicted eachother” because of these contradictions happening between the church's ranks (Luther document 8). The monks became vile , “breaking the vows of the church by having concubines and illegitimate children” their celibacy was now non existent (Bosch document 7). Also The added religions that formed at this time , “[They] ought not, by way of custom, to speak of predestination...they become negligent in the works” which all have changed their ways of how things happen which anger other. While people break the main religion religions produce like wildfire, however the were other thing affected at this period which made life in Europe drastically different, the social and political changes. The social and
Throughout history, different civilizations have been exchanging and spreading ideas. Of these ideas, religion often spreads the most drastically, finding new roots in places throughout the world. These spreading religions can greatly affect the nations they spread to, often impacting the political, social, and economic aspects of an area. Religions such as Buddhism in Japan and Christianity in the Americas allowed their monarchies to strengthen their reign on their citizens, adapt their societies to the new theologies, and cultivate wealth through both trade and conquest.
The men are allowed to have more than one wife. The women are to be submissive and obey the men without question. Their wardrobe consist of lots of fabric and the women are fully covered and never show skin or they will be
Artemisia Gentileschi is unarguably a key player in the acceptance of women artists in a previously male dominated field. She was the first female member of the Academia del Disegno also known as the Academy of Design. This was a high honor for a woman of her day. Overcoming many hardships in her relationships, and even drawing inspiration from them, she became known for the excellence and the unique way she portrayed popular subjects in her artwork. Contemporary art critics have taken notice of her genius and talent in paving roads in an exclusively male field, and for the feminist perspective she had that was ahead of her time.
Arabia to Islam. All practicing Muslims accept belief in the ‘Six Articles of Faith’ and are
The topic I chose to write about that interest me the most is religion. I chose religion because there are lots of differences when it comes to religion and cultures. I felt it was important to acknowledge three religions that our practiced today. The religion groups I chose to discuss in my paper are the Muslims, Santeria and Judaism .
* Just because you are Arab does not define you as being a follower of Islam.
Is it possible to be a Muslim without believing the validity of the prophecies of Mohammed? Is it possible to be a Christian without believing in the resurrection of Jesus? My definition of religion transformed greatly during my studies the past few months. Even as a religion major at St. Olaf College I thought of religion very narrowly, as a construct of metaphysical beliefs. But I've come to realize that religion runs far deeper than my Lutheran mind previously conceived.
The objective of this report is to contrast and compare the culture of the Calvary Church with Catholicism, which is the religion that I practice. A field trip was taken to the Calvary Chapel in Rancho Cucamonga On February 12 of 2013, in which a clear observation of its services was