Participants for this study will be adolescents and young adults ages 13-19. Participants will be chosen using the multistage sampling method. Participants ranging in age 13-17 will be selected on a volunteer basis from local middle and high schools whose parents/caregivers have given consent to participate. Participants ages 18-19 will be randomly selected from volunteers at local colleges and universities. Ideal population would be diverse with participants from all ethnicities and social economic groups. Flyers will be handed out in all classrooms of students in the target population and placed on college and university community bulletin boards. Population sample will be twenty participants in each age group (Borden
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This questionnaire will help to determine which participants will continue on with the study. It will ask, (a) on weekdays (Monday through Friday), how many days do you usually use online communication? (b) On the weekdays (Monday to Friday) that you use online communication, how much time do you spend using it? (c) ‘‘Do you use online communication on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday), if yes how much time do you spend using it (Esfandiari, Nouri, Golparvar, & Yarmohammadian, …show more content…
After receiving informed consent from participants under the legal age each participant will then complete a questionnaire on their online communication usage. Online communication will be defined as texting, emailing, use of social networking cites, and any other form of chat rooms. If a participant must “log on” to communicate with another person this is a form of online communication. This questionnaire will be given to students in middle and high school during their social studies classes and given to those students in undergraduate psychology classes. Participants will be asked to provide only their age and sex. There will be a spot on the questionnaire for each participant to enter a 4 digit pin number and if they are chosen to participate further this is how they will be identified. Questionnaires will be collected and sealed in an envelope until collected by this researcher or one of her colleagues. The first 20 participants in each age group who indicate they use online communication for an average of 4 hours per day will be accepted into the study. Participants will then be asked to complete the SASA to gain a baseline of their social anxiety level. This will be conducted in the same classroom(s) as the previous questionnaire. Each questionnaire will once again be coded with that participants pin number and sealed in an envelope until this researcher or one of her colleagues can pick
Culture is defined as the traditions, customs, norms, beliefs, values and thought patterning passed down from generation to generation (Jandt 2010). The world consists of many different cultures. In this Ethnographic Interview, I was given the opportunity to explore and learn more about a culture different from my own. Through observation I’ve have seen how people of different cultures differ from mines. For example, the type of foods a person
I have decided to study the Bangladesh Muslim Center, also known as the Jame Masjid/Mosque by the locals for my ethnographic fieldwork project. The mosque is located in the Kensington neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York City. The place of worship may be found on the corner of McDonald Avenue and Cortelyou Road; and the F train runs right in front of the building. It is in such an area where at times the noise level is at a maximum due to several building supply and material warehouses nearby, trucks passing by, and construction on the subway line. At other times, one may hear a pin drop.
For my ethnographic fieldwork, I decided to do my research on the Jewish culture. I interviewed a friend of mine at her house, which is the field site I decided to work in. To protect her identity I changed her name to Rebecca. As soon as I got to her house I notice there was a small piece of metal on the side of her doorpost with hebrew text written on it. I enter the house and she greeted me and took me to her living room.In her living room I noticed she had a tray of bite size cookies for us and a Snapple drink. The cookies were sweet and they did not have strong odor. My friend wore black slacks a white blouse and a star necklace around her neck. After a while, her brother and father came in and I noticed they had a little cap on the top of their heads. I asked her questions about her religion and culture.
The purpose of this study was to see how high intensity interval training alter ATP in maximal muscle contractions. This study consisted of young eight men who performed six series of repeated 30 s all out sprints on an ergometer (Larsen, Maynard, & Kent, 2014). The purpose of an ergometer is to measure the amount of work is used to perform this task. All of the participants were students at University of Massachusetts who volunteered to participate in this study. Ages ranged from 27. 0 ± 3.4 years, no participates was currently participating in any regular exercise program. No participates were on any type of medication or vitamin to help
The researchers believed that after the online communication and chat rooms became viral, the adolescents will have no social connectedness and well-being. They then figured out that they were wrong. They found out that online communication helps the adolescents social connectedness and well-being rather than reduces it. The researchers came up with three assumption about online communication and how it affects the adolescents. First, online communication stimulates online self-disclosure, second, online self-disclosure
It’s best to take notes during the observation. If that is impractical, take notes immediately afterward. Summarizing your memories of an event is not what ethnographic observation calls for (though it’s okay in journalism or memoir). You want to get down detailed, specific, observations, on details such as:
The goal of this assignment was to interview someone who was culturally different than me and help me reflect on biases I had before and after the meeting. Through administering this ethnographic interview, I learned about a culture from the worldview of my interviewee. Before starting the interview, I was unaware of the “white privilege,” which is the culture who encompasses the tools and opportunities in society. Now after conducting the interview, I am aware this is not a bias, not everyone is granted the same opportunities. People from different cultures are not given the same opportunities in their country or in the United States. According to Sue and Sue (2016), problems encountered by clients are often due to organizational or systematic factors. Thus, through the counseling profession, it is essential that I advocate for my multicultural clients and their cultural groups. Not only on a client-therapist level but on local and state levels as well. It is important as a therapist to put yourself in the position of the client to be empathetic toward their lived experiences. Before this interview, I considered myself a multicultural competent therapist, yet I learned a lot about Venezuelan culture and about myself as a therapist.
For my ethnographic project, I chose to experience the life at Islamic Center of Tucson, which is placed near the university of Arizona. For the purpose of this project, I will point to the Islamic center of Tucson as “The Mosque.” Ethnography is exploring culture phenomena which are the anthropologists understand societies from a research of a study. According to Eller, “participant observation by definition puts researchers skin to skin, life to life, with “subjects” who are living people. That fact demands a particularly self-conscious code of ethical behavior” (Eller 2013:37). The main focus of the paper is to observe the setting of the place from the outside, inside, human social interaction and language use.
A dusty, scarlet photo album lay on my parent’s homemade drawer. Curiously, I flipped a few pages and landed on a section of an unfamiliar, quirky-looking boy. Upon closer examination, I realized that the boy was none other than myself! In a state of awe and nostalgia, I quickly scanned the miniscule two-inch squares, each subsequent one capturing physical maturity along with the loss of baby fat. As I reviewed each photo, I began to contemplate my past and realize how much I have grown through the years.
This study was a qualitative ethnography exploring g perspectives on the customers of strip clubs and the stigma that comes with being a regular customer. I hypothesized that people would be more likely to perceive strip club patrons in an unfavorable light. For this study I did in depth interviews with three people, two men and one woman.
I am going to conduct ethnographic fieldwork among a women’s volleyball teams in order to explore the facilitators and obstacles to women’s participation in sports. Sports have different meanings for different people and across societies (Laker 2001:4) and the way one engages in sports is influenced by the cultural or ethnic group one belongs to (Sever 2005:4). There are numerous barriers (Women 2000 and Beyond 2007:3; Women’s Sports Foundation 2007) and benefits (Women 2000 and Beyond 2007:2) to women’s participation in sports.
I am from a Filipino family, but was raised in Guam, a very culturally and ethnically diverse island in the Western Pacific Ocean. Guam’s culture embraces the pluralist view of Michael Walzer 2004 that it is a place of diverse “ethnic, racial, and religious groups” (p. 635). Historically and culturally Guam has been exposed to many peoples from diverse backgrounds. But white people are usually referred to as “haole,” a Hawaiian term for a caucasian or non-native. There is definitely a culture that portrays “haole’s” as disrespectful, entitled, and ignorant. Despite this, many visitors of the island commend its hospitable and welcoming culture. The only reaction I can expect is that my brothers will be good hosts to my guest. And being in a
In conducting ethnographical fieldwork, anthropologists have selected few key consultants to gather exclusive details and information about a society’s custom ideas, values, and practices through participation in research of the Ju/ ‘haonsi people of Namibia. Through qualitative data and much fieldwork in Namibia, key consultants will have to lay out a formal outline in their research to be successful. By conducting ethnographical fieldwork, preparation, observances and many challenges will have to be faced during the duration of Namibia. As a key consultant I must endure all factors of this study including: funding, ethics, an ethnographical approach, and all barriers that might stand in my way while conducting field work.
The ethnographic investigation example is Lara Pearl’s investigation on the self-expression of women at Yarmouk University. Pearl’s investigation is focused on how women present themselves through their clothing in various social situations and settings that are encountered at university. Pearl states that a womens claims to be appropriately situated socially are often made through their clothing; the modesty of or embellishment of a womens clothing can make complex statements about various factors including, difference, relatedness, marital status, class, hierarchy, ethnicity or interpersonal relationships (L. Pearl, 2010). The main form of evidence provided by Pearl is the stigma that surrounds religious clothing items. The example used was the headscarf, typically worn by women of the Muslim faith (L. Pearl, 2010).
Without peripherals, computers themselves would be useless. Whether a mouse or keyboard, these tools produce different inputs or outputs for a system. one of these turns digital photos into physical photos. This peripheral is called a printer. Although not essential to operating a computer, this technology comes in handy. Many jobs or school assignments require printed photos to be added. Another tool is used to capture photos. This is called a video camera. These are usually bought separately or bought built in to a lab top. This camera can capture or record things in front of the monitor; perfect for selfies. The last peripheral i'll be talking about are the speakers. These are essential for watching youtube videos or skype. The speakers