
Ethnographic Study

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Participants for this study will be adolescents and young adults ages 13-19. Participants will be chosen using the multistage sampling method. Participants ranging in age 13-17 will be selected on a volunteer basis from local middle and high schools whose parents/caregivers have given consent to participate. Participants ages 18-19 will be randomly selected from volunteers at local colleges and universities. Ideal population would be diverse with participants from all ethnicities and social economic groups. Flyers will be handed out in all classrooms of students in the target population and placed on college and university community bulletin boards. Population sample will be twenty participants in each age group (Borden …show more content…

This questionnaire will help to determine which participants will continue on with the study. It will ask, (a) on weekdays (Monday through Friday), how many days do you usually use online communication? (b) On the weekdays (Monday to Friday) that you use online communication, how much time do you spend using it? (c) ‘‘Do you use online communication on the weekends (Saturday and Sunday), if yes how much time do you spend using it (Esfandiari, Nouri, Golparvar, & Yarmohammadian, …show more content…

After receiving informed consent from participants under the legal age each participant will then complete a questionnaire on their online communication usage. Online communication will be defined as texting, emailing, use of social networking cites, and any other form of chat rooms. If a participant must “log on” to communicate with another person this is a form of online communication. This questionnaire will be given to students in middle and high school during their social studies classes and given to those students in undergraduate psychology classes. Participants will be asked to provide only their age and sex. There will be a spot on the questionnaire for each participant to enter a 4 digit pin number and if they are chosen to participate further this is how they will be identified. Questionnaires will be collected and sealed in an envelope until collected by this researcher or one of her colleagues. The first 20 participants in each age group who indicate they use online communication for an average of 4 hours per day will be accepted into the study. Participants will then be asked to complete the SASA to gain a baseline of their social anxiety level. This will be conducted in the same classroom(s) as the previous questionnaire. Each questionnaire will once again be coded with that participants pin number and sealed in an envelope until this researcher or one of her colleagues can pick

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