
Etruscan Vocabulary And Grammar

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7. Etruscan Vocabulary and Grammar. Scholars have deciphered little information about the Etruscan grammar in fact, we know that in Etruscan the nouns have masculine and feminine forms. Nevertheless, the nominal and verbal are modified by suffixes rather than prefixes. In English, we used (-- removed HTML --) to indicates that verb happened in the past Etruscan they have the same thing they use (-- removed HTML --) for the past tense. They use the letters (-- removed HTML --) , (-- removed HTML --) as a copulative conjunction. They have three kinds of tenses such as, Present active, Etruscan used it rarely and they add the suffix -e to it. The second verb is past active, they add the suffix -ce to the verb root. The third verb …show more content…

8. Etruscan Inscriptions. We will mention three studies on Etruscan inscription, these inscription shows a good idea about the Etruscan decipherment. In fact, Etruscan did not appear in written form until the seventh century B.C. They used a style of writing called scriptio continua that mean the words are not separated from each other for example the word miavilestiteiuchsiemulenike. The Etruscan alphabet represents twenty sounds and there are over six thousand inscriptions a few of them are bilingual with Latin, most of Etruscan inscriptions were written from right to left. In addition, more than ten thousand Etruscan inscriptions were found on tombstones, vases, statues, and mirrors. The first inscription we will talk about is a vase look like a rooster, the letters on the vase are similar to the Greek letter expect two letters K and E they face a different direction than Etruscan letters. (5) Rooster Vase. Source: Terra-cotta vase in the shape of a rooster. It is like a bird's body with foot and the tail is missing, it carries inscription and has twenty-six letters of the Etruscan …show more content…

They were written in gold and there are three of them. One is written in Phoenician and the other two are in Etruscan, these tablets are bilingual. Today this tablet considered as the oldest historical tablets of Italy among the known inscriptions. It includes a dedication by King Thefarie to the Phoenician goddess Astarte. (9) Pyrgi Tablets with Phoenician, and Etruscan Inscription. Here are three part of the Pyrgi gold tablets one is written in Phoenician and other two in Etruscan, C.500BC. 10. Etruscan Numeral. We know a few of the numerals but not all of them because they are not deciphered yet or we can read them but we cannot understand the meaning. Etruscan people made a pair of dice called the Tuscania dice they found it in 1848. The numbers in the opposite sides add up to seven like 1+6, 2+5, and 4+3. The words on the die are named as, sa, zal, huth, mach, thu, ci. After a study on these names they found that the number means something, for example, the word 'ci' means three, 'sa' means four, 'thu' means one, 'mach' means five, 'huth' six. (10) Etruscan Numbers. Gloss Etruscan numerals '11' thusar '14' huthzar '16'

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