
Ets1 And ETS2

Satisfactory Essays

In HDAC2 ETS1 and ETS2 adopted similar modes of binding (Figs 7a, 7c). Both were observed to have π-π stacking interactions with Phe-155 and Phe-210 in the core of the gorge. The imidazole ring of ETS1 and the oxazole ring of ETS2 was shown to be a parallel displaced π-π stacking interaction with Phe-155. ETS1 also has a parallel displaced π-π stacking interaction with Phe-210, while ETS2 was shown to adopt a face to face π-π stacking interaction with this residue instead. The indole rings of ETS1 and ETS2 participate in edge-to-edge stacking interactions with Phe-155 and His-33. In addition to bidentate metal-ion coordination the hydroxamate tail of both compounds like panobinostat, TOI1, and TOI2 participate in a hydrogen bond with …show more content…

It is notable that HDAC8 does not have an aromatic hydrophobic pocket corresponding to the one created by His-33 and Phe-155. In HDAC2 this region forms a nice groove, which is not observed in HDAC8, for the indole ring sit in. In HDAC8 the Lys-33 residue, while it has a hydrophobic chain, does not participate in staking interactions. The imidazole ring now adopts a T-shaped π-π stacking interaction between Phe-152 and Phe-208, whereas it was parallel displaced in HDAC2. This less favored double T-shaped interaction prevents the formation of a hydrogen bond in the core of HDAC8. ETS2 in HDAC8 also shows the shift of the indole ring to the right side of the gorge to now hydrogen bond with Gly-184, and the oxazole ring also adopts more of a T-shaped orientation with the Phe-208 in HDAC8 compared to a parallel π-π orientation. The oxazole ring is also less of an equal distance between the two Phe rings, favoring an interaction with Phe-208 over an interaction with Phe-152. Again the wider gorge size of HDAC8 decreases binding affinity of these compounds.
ETS1 and ETS2 ranked 1st and 2nd as HDAC2 inhibitors, producing binding scores of 10.0937 and 9.9520, respectively. The ability of ETS1 and ETS2 to bind to HDAC8 is, however, significantly lower for both compounds, ranking 9th and 8th, (6.7458 and 6.9155 respectively). This difference in binding scores is greater than

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