
Eu Law Of The European Union

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(i) The actions that might be brought by Rochelle and Neil in the national courts

With regard to the actions that might be brought by Rochelle and Neil in the national courts when it comes to the matter of complaints about the law of the European Union’s (henceforth, the EU’s) application, it has generally been recognised that if an individual is recognised as being a national of a Member State, lives in a Member State, or if they run a business in the EU then the law of the Union provides parties like Rochelle and Neil with a number of rights. However, if individuals like Rochelle and/or Neil feel that their rights under the law of the EU in the form of a Directive and a Regulation in this instance respectively have not been respected by a Member State like the UK’s national authorities then it is first necessary to bring the matter before those authorities for the purpose of resolution before having to resort to the European Court of Justice (henceforth, the ECJ) for this purpose. This is because it has generally been recognised that this will typically be both the most effective and efficient means to bring about the resolution of any matters of concern raised by parties like Rochelle and/or Neil when it comes to the interpretation and application of the law of the EU.

Such an understanding of the position in this regard is evidenced by the fact that the law of the EU in the form of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union 2008 (henceforth, the

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