
Eudora Welty´s Autobiography, One Writer's Beginnings

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If you were given a decision to do a certain activity for the rest of your life what would it be? This is called passion, doing something you love in any circumstance. In this excerpt from Welty’s autobiography, One Writer’s Beginnings Welty expresses her passion for reading by expresses her childhood. Comparing her school librarian with super villains or monsters. She incorporates her mother who is a mentor throughout her whole childhood. Ones passion will always be stopped by a tyrant or hardship, but one has to put in the best effort to overcome as well as gain support. Eudora’s explanations of her mother, librarian, and herself emanates her enjoyment along with attachment to reading. Eudora correlates her librarian to a monster who brings …show more content…

Welty is interpreted as a supporter along with mentor in Eudora’s life. Mrs. Welty has assisted and persuaded Eudora to the reading path. Eudora’s mother helped Eudora with having an exception to Mrs. Calloway’s rule of checking out only two books. Eudora’s mother supports Eudora by confronting Mrs. Calloway, being a rare sight because Eudora “never knew anyone… being afraid” of the librarian. Her mother standing up to Mrs. Calloway displays her confidence and willingness to do anything for her daughter. While confronting Calloway, Mrs.Welty gives Eudora the freedom of selecting any adult book except Elsie Dinsmore because Eudora would be “too impressionable.” Mrs.Welty concludes Eudora will be easily influenced and “fall off the piano stool” just like in the book. Mrs. Welty is afraid Eudora would have the traits of Elsie and collapse from pressure. During Eudora’s childhood, Mrs. Welty would read books any time she could. Reading a book while getting Eudora’s “hair [getting] dry enough to unroll” displays Mrs.Welty’s passion for books, having impact on her daughter’s view of passion on books as well. Eudora’s mother’s influence on books and love for Eudora creates a significance on Eudora’s …show more content…

For example, if Mrs. Calloway sees through a girl’s skirt one will be sent back home. Eudora’s response to that regulation is to follow Mrs.Calloway rules since Eudora “would do anything to read.” She considers reading as a significant matter and will do anything Mrs.Calloway says even if her librarian is seen as a monster. Reading would not be typically considered a dangerous activity, but to Eudora “[the] books coming to an end” was the “only fear” she has while reading. During reading, you would not expect this kind of behavior, but Eudora considers it as if she was going to run out of air to breathe. In this comparison, it is stating reading is important to Eudora. Her fuel is reading and without fuel she would be deceased, meaning her life depends on reading showing the strong devotion and attitude Eudora has. Eudora’s “devouring wish to read being granted” implying she is eager to read more as fast as possible. Welty uses the word “devouring” to compare it realistically as if books were the fuel to her system. Without the fuel, she would not be able to survive meaning she needs books to survive. Eudora’s enthusiastic attitude towards reading books is powerful and runs her

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