
Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

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The Cure “A Worn Path,” by Eudora Welty is a great story. Phoenix Jackson is the main character of the story. She is a small, old, colored woman who overcomes many obstacles throughout her long journey into town. As she continues her stroll through the woods, many characteristics about Phoenix are revealed. After reading this book, three characteristics stick out the most about Phoenix Jackson. Phoenix Jackson is a very strong willed woman, she is clever, and she is fearless. Phoenix Jackson’s strong will is clear at the start of her journey when she tells all the animals to get out of her way. “Don’t let none of those pesky animals come running through my direction (1).” When Phoenix makes it the foot of the hill, a log was already laid across the creek. “Putting her right foot out, she stepped on to the log and shut her eyes (2).” At her old age, Phoenix has to crawl under a barbed wired fence without ripping her dress. “There she had to creep and crawl, spreading her knees and stretching her hands like a baby (2).” …show more content…

Phoenix deceives the hunter, and steals the nickel that falls out of his pocket. “Her fingers slid down and along the ground under the nickel with the grace and care they would have in lifting an egg from under a sitting hen (3).” Phoenix gets her dress caught in a thorn bush and manages to free herself without tearing it. “Her fingers are busy but her skirts were full and long, so before she could pull them free in one place they caught in another (1).” Phoenix obtains another nickel from the nurse at the hospital. “She receives the nickel and then takes the other nickel out of her pocket and lays them next to each other

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