
Eulogy About Mother

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Son, since mom has been gone for a week now, I’d like to share some thoughts with you. Today's weather has made me so stressed. The pallid sky originally brought down a light snow, but then the snow became so strong to the point where it was literally spitting down. Thanks to the harsh traffic, I got scolded by my boss for being late to work again. The icy road was so dangerous to drive on: the steering wheel basically served as a decoration, and the tires skidded and stumbled like a mad goat as I turned and braked. Trying to maintain the wavering vehicle on my lane was just nerve-racking, one second of carelessness and the car might collide. I couldn’t be settled for a single second the car was on the road, as if the car wasn’t mine, almost …show more content…

Every single day, I drove for hours to work and talked with troublesome people from dawn to night. Sure, you might not like me that much, I couldn't make much, give you all the things you wanted and be your companion everyday you come home. But despite how much more you preferred your loving mom than me, I still want you to know that I truly care for you. I don't have to right to force you to listen to me and do what I say, but I only wish you’ll be willing to give me half as much of recognition you would for mom. Ultimately, you have the choice, whether to do me this favor, and make me feel a little better by acknowledging my earnest intention, or to ignore my words indifferently, leaving me alone on the other side of an ever widening gap.
It’s 7:45 now, fifteen minutes left before overtime ends, the unforgiving sky is now pitch black and I’m sure the ceaseless snow has blanketed the entire city. Gosh, driving home today is going to be a pain in the butt. I’m sure I’ll be freaked out when my car skids freely on the sheer ice road, frustrated when my wheels get buried under the deep snow, and lost when the swarming snow blocks over my windshield. Whatever happens, I hope I can make it to home knowing the snow on the driveway will be shovelled, and tomorrow’s sky will be pierced by bright

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