Son, since mom has been gone for a week now, I’d like to share some thoughts with you. Today's weather has made me so stressed. The pallid sky originally brought down a light snow, but then the snow became so strong to the point where it was literally spitting down. Thanks to the harsh traffic, I got scolded by my boss for being late to work again. The icy road was so dangerous to drive on: the steering wheel basically served as a decoration, and the tires skidded and stumbled like a mad goat as I turned and braked. Trying to maintain the wavering vehicle on my lane was just nerve-racking, one second of carelessness and the car might collide. I couldn’t be settled for a single second the car was on the road, as if the car wasn’t mine, almost …show more content…
Every single day, I drove for hours to work and talked with troublesome people from dawn to night. Sure, you might not like me that much, I couldn't make much, give you all the things you wanted and be your companion everyday you come home. But despite how much more you preferred your loving mom than me, I still want you to know that I truly care for you. I don't have to right to force you to listen to me and do what I say, but I only wish you’ll be willing to give me half as much of recognition you would for mom. Ultimately, you have the choice, whether to do me this favor, and make me feel a little better by acknowledging my earnest intention, or to ignore my words indifferently, leaving me alone on the other side of an ever widening gap.
It’s 7:45 now, fifteen minutes left before overtime ends, the unforgiving sky is now pitch black and I’m sure the ceaseless snow has blanketed the entire city. Gosh, driving home today is going to be a pain in the butt. I’m sure I’ll be freaked out when my car skids freely on the sheer ice road, frustrated when my wheels get buried under the deep snow, and lost when the swarming snow blocks over my windshield. Whatever happens, I hope I can make it to home knowing the snow on the driveway will be shovelled, and tomorrow’s sky will be pierced by bright
Maybe I would feel better for a while if Abby came over. I invited her and she came right away. We drank hot tea, the way we liked it. We sat under blankets in the window seat, and stared into the snow for hours it seemed. I thought to myself," Everything will be okay, it's just going to take time. It will be okay at some
I wrap my scarf around my neck and reach down to lace up my boots. Careful not to drop my cross body bag as it swings down, I stand up straight and walk out the door. As I lock the front door behind me, I inhale a deep breath. This is my favorite time of year. The air is brisk, yet the sun is warm on my skin. I begin my walk to work since my car officially died yesterday. This is the third time this month, but I don’t really mind. I love walking when the weather is like this. The sounds of leaves crunching beneath my feet sounds like music.
The first footsteps we've ever taken are the ones that have imprinted the inside of our mothers' stomachs. Mothers don't just give birth to us, they give us a life to live. Now, some might say mothers are supposed to give birth; it's a natural process that is their duty. It's physically straining to have a child, but it takes a true warrior to raise a child. It is often forgotten how much they continuously provide for us and how many sacrifices they make. My mother has been my inspiration, not because of her title as my mother but because she is the prime example of a what I call a hero.
A normal day can turn into a day filled with icy cold snow and warm hot chocolate just by one call. One call that gives everyone around the school district a sigh of relief that they can curl up back in their comfy beds and sleep for an extra two or more hours. Some may wonder how one call makes everyone’s day so much better: it is because it is a call from the school saying there is no school today due to icy conditions. Upon hearing this one can be sure that their phone will be buzzing with ones friends asking what they are doing today, or maybe one snoozes through all the texts and continues to curl up in one’s warm blankets, with dogs heating ones feet. No matter what one chooses to do there always seems to be a trend as one gets older. This trend is that in the grades kindergarten through fifth grade, children love snow days to stay outside and play; then in grades sixth through ninth, children love snow days to stay inside and watch movies; finally children tenth through twelfth grade, children love snow days to again go outside and play.
I hear so many stories of my friends that merely dislike their moms, I’m so grateful to be placed with her. She is one of my best friends and is such a pure joy to be around. When people tell me that I am like her, oftentimes I am filled with happiness. I can only hope to be half the woman that she is. Yes, she is awkward, she is weird, she is embarrassing; but without those, she wouldn’t be Jenny Swenson. These attributes don’t make her any less lovable. She has a thirst to serve our Lord, which has greatly influenced my life. She reflects to me the power of possessing joy through even the hardest of trials. I wouldn’t be who I am without her.
“Momma, I just want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry you're going through this. I’m sorry daddy left. I’m sorry you weren’t able to fulfill your dreams. I’m sorry for not saying sorry sooner and that I love you. Regardless of what you did to me, I forgive you. I pray you can forgive me also.” She kissed her mother on the forehead and gave her a warm, tight hug she only dreamed of. She grabbed her hands. “I won’t allow you to suffer.”
I love you with all my heart. I am so blessed to have you as my mom, partner-in-crime, and best friend. A quote that reminds me of the impact you have made on my life and me is “When you’re a child she walks before you to set an example. When you’re a teenager she walks behind you to be there if you should need her. When you’re an adult she walks beside you so that as two friends you can enjoy life together.” Throughout my childhood and now I have always been attached at your hip. I can remember dressing like you, acting like you, trying to be everything that you were, and I still try to do that today. You and I have been inseparable ever since I could walk. We would always play with Barbie’s and put barrettes in your hair. Every day we are together we create lasting memories, laugh until we cry, and smile from ear to ear. Our friendship is a special bond that will last forever. Through laughter, WORRY, smiles and tears
As I begin my nightly preparation to go snowboarding at wolf creek ski a place that claims to get “The most snow in Colorado” I am ecstatic to go to a place that feels like my back yard. I work part time as a snowboard instructor which gives me the glory of getting a free season pass. Tomorrow is my day off which I love to freeride and be me. As I prepare I get my gear ready gloves, beanie, and snow pants and jacket, but more importantly my snowboard and my boots. I check the weather eager to expect fresh powder on a cool December day. As I am checking the weather the forecast calls for snowstorm weather warning, which as a snowboarder it feels like a gift that was sent from the sky as if the snow gods had answered my wish. To bed I go to get rest for a long day ahead of me.
My mother’s letter also provided me with a heartfelt, long lasting goodbye. My mother returned after only a week, however, with this note, I was left with the words of love that my mother wrote on paper for me. I come from a tight knit family, so for my mother to
It is that time of the year again; snow falling, temperatures dropping; one of the reasons we stay inside. You might think the opportunities to enjoy the weather are gone. Think again.
As I stood up from my cozy nest of slumber my eyes went black from moving too quickly. When I regained my bearings, I made my way to the refrigerator to get a glass of water. Upstairs my dad’s shower was running and I knew I was going to be late. He always had enough time to get his 3-layers of clothes on and watch TV before I even get in the shower. My dad tells me that it’s his normal routine where he has to get up early every morning for work. For me, school comes early enough and 7 a.m. is hard for me to wake up, much less four. When I was finally ready to leave, inside the house I was sweating from all the heat I had built up, but outside I was grateful to have it. Our hunting property is located in Crockett, Virginia which is about 20 minutes from my house. The road was empty and carefully unfolded as our truck lights shinned to unveil it. I was trying to soak up heat from the truck to embrace the cold outside. When we finally reached our destination, I had to leave my comfort in the heat behind in the truck, put on another layer of clothes, and off we went to our tree stand.
My mom had been going to school in Virginia and staying at my Aunt Ana’s house. She had been away for two weeks and wanted to come home for the weekend. My mom had suggested that I go back with her and visit
Locking the door behind me, I stepped onto the packed snow with a satisfying crunch and walked down to my car. A large blanket of shiny, Winnipeg snow covered it. Pulling my jacket sleeve over my bare hand, I brushed most off, but stopped when I noticed a folded piece of damp paper tucked under the windshield wiper. I gently pulled at it and gingerly unfolded it, careful not to rip the delicate paper.
During the snowstorm, we expect everyone to work together a community. If you are not able to move you vehicle due to illness or your away please make arrangements for someone to assist you prior
heard that it was possible for us to get a snow day but before I went to bed I saw it wasn't even snowing so I figured we wouldn't have one. I looked out my window and saw it was super windy and snowing very hard. I got super excited since I couldn't even seen my neighbors house. Usually if we couldn't see that it meant we had a snow day. I pulled the news on my phone to check if we had a snow. First thing I saw was that over a hundred schools had one! Surely we would be one of them. I scrolled down to the bottom since Zeeland is always at the bottom. “What” I yelled inside my head. “How on earth do we not have a snow day” I thought to myself.