I hope that you have a very fun time with Autumn in town and I totally understand if I don’t hear from you in a while. I just hope that sometime in the future I do hear from you because I miss you so much and I care so much for you too. I didn’t realize how good I had it and how good of a girlfriend you were, until you were out of my life. You are seriously the best thing that has ever happened to me!
Ashleigh, you are reading this because you found this in your corsage box. I’m clever aren't I? The real reason I wrote this is because I really want to tell you something that I just can’t in person. You’ve read my letter asking you to Homecoming saying things about why I love you and other stuff like that. There are some things I didn’t tell you though. Now this might get a little awkward but trust me, read through it all. I’ve been through a lot of breakups and when I got with Tiffany I thought that was over. But that night I asked her out, my grandmother told me we were moving to Texas. I was devastated because something I believed in came crashing down the very first day. I’m glad that torture was over, knowing it wasn’t going to work
I’m sorry. I just miss you and want you to know that I love you very much.
I am writing you in a moment where i feel safe writing without the enemy coming down on me. I miss you both so very much and I wish I could be home with you again. I am very sorry I haven't wrote you in a long time but for months the enemy has attacked now. It has honestly been one of the scariest and most difficult times in my life. I know that this fight is when I feel the most detached from you but these are the moments that I am really serving you the most.
I miss the warmth of your embrace every night. You are always the perfect end, and the best part of every day. I wish I could spend all day under your blankets, but sadly I can not. No matter what season, you are always the perfect temperature and you always make sure that I get a good night’s rest. I do not know what else I could ask for. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can not wait to see you tonight!
When I look back at my childhood I cannot picture it without you. You have helped shaped who I am today and for that I thank you. When I think of you i think about all the love that you have to give. I am so lucky to have you in my life and I will always cherish the memories that I have with you.
Family: Gabriel is 12 year old Hispanic male who lives in Fords NJ with DCP&P resource parent Mr. Ronny Chirichello and two foster siblings. Gabriel has been in Mr. Chirichello home for the past 19 months. Gabriel has adjusted well to Mr. Chirichello home. Mr. Chirichello holds Gabriel accountable for his acting out behaviors in school and give him appropriate consequences (i.e. taking away his cell phone, no TV, games system or outside time, etc). Gabriel responds well to Mr. Chirichello directives and house rules. Gabriel continues to have ongoing difficulties with emotional boundaries with his bio-mom. Gabriel and his sister does not have the best sibling relationship. Gabriel mention to Mr. Chirichello that before his brother passed away he and his sister was close but sine their brother’s death they do not get along.
While I was a lost boy in a dream world, that was only filled of you and me together. I know you saw this. Ill still have a dream world but I want it to be one we both create together, I know you have a brilliant mind. You will always light me up like the sun. Thats the best dream world I can possibly imagine and it basically makes me cry like a kid, because I only bring out the best in me. I know its probably odd being the center of my universe or a heavy burden.. but don't let it be, its pretty simple in my head and my love for you is unconditional and always will be, the good and the bad. I've only held you the closest to me above all others always, because you are my heart.
Father, I intercede, according to your will, on the behalf of Elijah. That he will come into the understanding of your ways and how to walk in faith through all aspects of his life.
I would like to start by thanking Desdemona’s family who have travelled from Venice to be here today, and to all her loyal friends here in Cyprus for your unwavering support during this difficult time.
I really miss you Caroline. I wish I was there for your sister’s wedding. Also, I miss our lovely daughter Virginia. How is everything going on at home now that you don’t have your manly man around anymore? I wrote a poem for you. Ready or not here it comes. It's amazing how I feel when I'm around you, How my heart pounds when you come into a room.” I look at you and think: My God! How lovely!
The first footsteps we've ever taken are the ones that have imprinted the inside of our mothers' stomachs. Mothers don't just give birth to us, they give us a life to live. Now, some might say mothers are supposed to give birth; it's a natural process that is their duty. It's physically straining to have a child, but it takes a true warrior to raise a child. It is often forgotten how much they continuously provide for us and how many sacrifices they make. My mother has been my inspiration, not because of her title as my mother but because she is the prime example of a what I call a hero.
Thank you for reading my post and responding as well. Yes a new practice is being implemented in the place that I work. We just had a new Nurse Manager, and she has implemented a 15 minute huddle which every day before the start of any shift. All nursing staff is expected to attend including the respiratory therapists. Being discussed are the areas that we are falling short, especially on documentation. I have noticed a drastic change since the initiation of this practice.
I had a great time with you during this last year and half. I will always remember the very first time we met in the engineering lab, the very first time my lips touched your lips when you asked me if you can kiss me and we kissed, the very first time you hugged me, the first time when we made love. Your smile your way of looking at me will always be fresh in my memories. Spending time with you and doing things together was the best part about this relationship.
Last summer, I had the magnificent privlege of chatting with Barbara Niven prior to the premiere of the Hallmark original series, Chesapeake Shores. Our friendship began a few years ago during the airing of Cedar Cove, and with each passing year, I find myself more in awe and appreciative of this benevolent soul. There is something uniquely vibrant and genuine about Barbara that makes her an instant fan favovrite and one of the truly inspiring women in the world today. I have been blessed yet again to speak with this remarkable gentlemwoman this year!
It has been nearly a year since we started talking again after years of no communication. Words do not suffice to express how much I truly love you, and how grateful I am that you entered my life. You have been one of my biggest supports, you have believed in me when I felt that no one did, you have given me your all: your love, your time, your energy, your lost hours of sleep, your tears, your laughs. To this day, whenever I am in doubt, you have always cheered me on and made me believe that I can do anything, that I don’t have any limitations, and that has changed my life; you have changed my life. I never thought you would come to hold such high value in my heart, but I am glad you did, and all the time has been worthwhile. I like to think that I do not have a heart, that I am apathetic, but there are two factors outside of family that say otherwise: my love for children, and you.