I am introducing a boy named Austin Holcomb who is 18 years old and from Section, Alabama, where he has lived his entire life. He has a sister named Elizabeth and a dog named Jazzman. His favorite color is blue and his favorite subject is math. He is a newly enrolled freshman and he recently graduated from Section High School. In the future, he anticipates to construct his own home, marry, and have two or three kids.
In high school, Austin played basketball for four years and he played football till the eleventh grade. Austin was also a member of countless clubs, which included FCA, FFA, FCCLA, BETA, and his church youth group. Austin has many hobbies, such as, playing basketball and football, working out, playing video games, and hanging
Courage is shown within the characters of To Kill A Mockingbird in several situations. The characters are challenged to face danger or pain without fear. The courage they display gives them strength and deepens their self-understanding as the novel progresses.
Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is recounted by Scout, who at the time was six years old. This book follows her journey in growing up and eventually losing her innocence through realising the evil in the world, mostly portrayed by the racism and prejudice surrounding her. A mockingbird is a metaphor for the destruction of innocence. There are three mockingbirds in the text: Boo Radley, Scout Finch and Tom Robinson. Boo has done nothing wrong except sit in his house and 'mind his own business', and has done nothing to hurt anyone else. All that has happened is he has been accused once again of crimes he did not commit. Scout is a mockingbird because she is thrust in the middle of all of the adults and their prejudices. Tom has done
The genre of the story is historical fiction and the setting is the 1930’s southern America in a town called Maycomb, in Alabama. The story is narrated by Scout Finch, a young girl whose innocent heart has been exposed to the evils of southern United States in the 1930’s. This setting is vital to the plot of the summary because during that time was the great depression and racism was especially common in the south, where lynching rose from 8 in
He is good at multitasking and takes place in multiple sports including cross-country, bowling, ice-hockey, and track & field. He says he is also a strong bowler and that he lettered on the Hazleton Area High School’s bowling team and is a starter on the varsity team. • My Family o Julian says his family comes from all over Europe. On his mom’s side of the family his grandfather is Tyrol and his grandmother is German.
Maycomb County has been living a few dynamic days, as it not only snowed yesterday, but also today at approximately 2 in the morning a tremendous fire burnt the house of Maudie Atkinson to the ground. Even though the cause of the fire has not been confirmed yet, it is highly believed that it was due to the flue in her kitchen. Since it had not snowed since 1885, the people in town were not prepared. The fire truck was killed by the extreme weather and it took plenty of time for it to arrive to the scene, but fortunately it arrived in time to prevent the fire from spreading to other houses in the neighborhood. The commotion among everyone was clearly perceived.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”(Lee,Chapter 3). This famous quote is used by Atticus Finch to explain to Scout why people should show empathy to others. Sadly, this principle is not followed by many of the citizens in Maycomb County, especially a weak and mistreated young girl named Mayella Ewell. She attempts to use her class, gender, and race to win a trial against Tom Robinson, an African American male, which she wrongfully accused of raping her. Does Mayella have enough power to overcome her situation? Mayella’s race provides temporary power during the trial, but gender and class leave her unable to change her predicament. To
Throughout most novels, characters encounter obstacles or events that once faced change their lives for the better or worse. In this book, that obstacle is racism. This is evident in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird when ... ____________________. Due to... ____________________. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Dolphus Raymond, Tom Robinson and Bob Ewell each encounter racism in different ways; however, they all suffer as a result.
I came to Maycomb County to teach. I would be a first grade teacher at the little towns elementary school. I moved here because I found a house that fits my dreams. Not to big, a walk around porch, and even had a white picket fence around it. Just a few blocks from the center of maycomb county, I settled my belongings before the summer ended. I Waited for the little six years olds to walk in and fill my day with joy. I woke up bright and early. I curled my bright auburn hair, blushed my cheeks with pink roses, and painted my nails crimson. I put my high heels on and my favorite back to school dress, It was striped with red and white all along it.
In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird a major theme is the loss of innocence. Whether from emotional abuse, racial prejudice or learning, Boo, Tom, and Scout all lose their innocence in one sense or another. The prejudice that each character endures leads to their loss. Through the responses of Boo, Tom, and Scout, Harper Lee shows how each character responded differently to their loss of innocence.
Southerners are known to be proud of their traditional beliefs. To Kill A Mockingbird allows its readers to question and consider those beliefs. Maycomb represents a typical old southern town. Not many people move into Maycomb and not many people who live there journey beyond its boundaries. As a result, the opinions held by many of the citizens of Maycomb are left to grow and foster in the same families for many generations. The circumstances in Maycomb are less than ideal for generating change and more prone to sustaining traditionally accepted codes. Two codes embedded within southern social beliefs are class and race.
In my opinion theme with the most impact in 'To Kill a Mockingbird" is Hypocrisy as shown in three main incidents . These are the teachings of Ms Gates about the atrocities of Adolf Hitler whilst she hated blacks ; the missionary circle trying to show how Christian they are while believing that to be a brother of Christ you must be white and finally the hypocrisy of the American court system in the 30's by saying they stand for justice.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view . . . until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”. Discuss this quote from Atticus in relation to 3 characters from the novel.
In Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird, the atmosphere of discrimination normalizes the use of slurs, and the ostracization of certain members of the community, for the children in the novel. To Kill A Mockingbird, written in 1960, set in the fictitious town of Maycomb, Alabama. This novel, from the perspective of the character Scout, is a tale of identity, injustice, and inequality in a time of heavy discrimination. In Lee’s novel, the use of slurs is a common occurrence in the town of Maycomb. Scout, as well as the other children in the novel, are exposed to adults and their peers using these slurs, and, consequently, slurs become a desensitized part of everyday language. From the beginning of the novel, Boo Radley is an enigma to Scout,
I grew up in a home where my parents taught us to serve our country, community and those around us. They taught me through example, my father was a scout leader when I was a child. He often took me camping and to merit badge Pow Wow’s. As a boy I began to dream about becoming a boy scout. When I became old enough I joined the cub scouts. While in Cub scouts I learned about being part of the pack, about working together to accomplish large projects, to work together to accomplish a larger goal. Then when I was older I was able to join the boy scouts they taught me about being a citizen in the community, about being a good neighbor. They taught me about doing a good turn daily, and being prepared. When I was 13, I became a life scout. Being a life scout is not anything special, other than I was able to start working on my eagle project.
This was after Jem, Scout, and Dill had escaped with their lives from the Radley yard. Jem had just been through a traumatizing experience so he was silent.