The cool and gentle breeze ran through your hair and exposed skin. You gripped the basket, filled with various veggies and berries that Pinako has planted a few weeks back, scanning your surroundings. It has been over three years since you moved into Resembool, Amestris. You could remember like it was yesterday, where you finally found someone to take you as an apprentice even though you had little to no knowledge of tools, oil, mechanics, and gears. Throughout these three years, you could never feel any proud. You’ve learned a lot, regarding mechanics and auto-mails by the one and only, enthusiast, Winry Rockbell. You were so grateful to her. You always wanted to be an engineering person, but no one took you in because you didn’t had the skills …show more content…
As a matter of fact, it was sort of a getaway from the cities. Unfortunately, you had to return home in a few more weeks because you received a call from your dad that mom fell ill and he can’t juggle between the bakery and mom’s illness. You really haven’t told anybody yet, because it so sad to leave. You wished you can stay here, but the family was the priority. Walking back to the house, you realize that not only have you learned the necessary skills, but you found someone whom you wanted to see for a long time after your first encounter in Dublith City. And his name is Edward Elric, the one who was sensitive about his height. “[Y/N]!” Winry …show more content…
They should be here in two hours.” Winry notice the filled basket and began taking the items out. “We have to make a special pie. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen them!” Your lips curled upwardly. She was right, it has been a long time and the only way to make it more special was to bake a delicious pie. You and Winry took out the necessary needs to bake. As Winry was complaining and happily talking about the arrival of the Elric brothers, hoping that they came to visit and not, maintenance you thought back to where you first laid eyes on Edward. You were brandly new to the city of Dublith. You lived closed to the lake, which gave off a nice scenary. Your family was unpacking into the new house and as they did that, you decided to visit the lake, where you thought this was going to be your “alone” moment. Walking down on the stoned pathway to the lake, you spotted two young boys, one was skipping rocks while the other was on his back, arms supporting his head. Approaching to the young boys, you greeted the one with the short hair, bangs neatly parting on the left side. “Hello.” you smiled. “I’m [Y/N]. I just recently moved
I never knew this would be my last day here… in Chicago. I hate my dad’s job, this is why I'm moving. Moving cities every year is hard and I hate it. My parents don't seem to bother all that much, they do it mostly for the money. As all these thoughts ran through my head, time went by and I finally arrived at my new house. As I out, all I could feel was the cold wind hitting my face and leafs attacking my fresh new j’s. Looking ahead of my was the fourth and certainly not the last house of mine.
When I first heard we were moving here, I thought to myself. Why did dad have to take this job? I mean I don’t hate it here. I just hate the fact that I didn’t get to tell most of my friends I was leaving. Although, something good came out of this. I get to see an old friend of mine, at least start something over. This house is nicer than the one before. I still remember the time when mom thought there was a rat in the cabinets, man was she scared.
The swimming beach lay on the other side of the lake. We were alone in the world. This is before the city paved the woodchip running trails along the lake, before the large houses encroached on Hyland Park, before they bulldozed the old abandoned cabin on the lakeside near Bush Lake Road.
Your highness King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Laertes, Ophelia, and dear friends. Today, we mourn the loss of a man who rose above and beyond the life he was given, but we gather to celebrate this life. The life of a respected acquaintance, a beloved friend and a cherished father: Polonius. Although he deserves such, we do not need a grand cathedral to pay homage to Polonius. As only those closest to him gather here today, we remember Polonius as a political peacekeeper and a great man. It is important that we recognise his bravery and service to the crown. For myself, Polonius was a master and a mentor. Our relationship was never bound by blood, but Polonius acted as a father. With his political prowess and savvy, yet good-willed familiarity with the crown, he guided me through every facet of life in Elsinore.
It’s my home and it will always be my home, but I can not let that stop me from moving on in my school life in Santa Rosa. When I first moved to Santa Rosa, I thought to myself I’m just going to get through school and go back home. Now, when I go back to Modesto, I see how my friends are changing and I started thinking if I go back, things really won’t be the same
My parents had packed everything. EVERYTHING. There was bareness on the walls and there was around us except piles and piles of boxes. I looked around the house one last time as cold salty tears streaked down my face. I was covered in tears from the waist up. The feeling of leaving everyone made me empty inside. I felt hollow. Finally my dad said, “Let’s go!” I pleaded with him to let us stay, but I got the same usual answer, “You’ll be fine.” I wasn’t.
Leaving my home in Hawaii and moving to Oregon was one of the hardest things for me to do. Maybe I would have felt better about it if my parents had asked me for my opinion before picking up our lives and moving to some place I had never even heard of before. I know I shouldn’t have cared that much. After all, I was only a 1st grader and even now my parents don’t consider how I’d feel before making decisions, so why would they then? At the end of 2007, I said goodbye to my best friends for the last time and left for Oregon.
“Yeah, Liam, we got it.” Logan replies, and helps me scoop the cookies onto a plate. I walk them out to the counter of the unopened bakery. It’s supposed to open at seven, so in five minutes, but it might be opening ten or so minutes late because Logan and I still have to finish the bread and cookies. “Hey Krisha, I’ll deal with the food if you want to make sure everything out there is ready.” Logan calls from the back room.
In “The Lake” the narrator and his mother experience a life threatening moment when they almost drown. Their father lets them go in a lake when they are unable to swim in attempt to “teach” them how. After the incident, there is
It was the hottest day of the year as we packed up a big U-Haul truck, and thats when it hit me this would be the last time I would lave Florida. Today I was moving from my home town, Lakeland, FL, to a town I would have to meet new people and start a new... school! "Alrighty, looks like we are all packed up and ready to hit the road" my mom said in a teary and shy voice. This day could not get any worse.
The last thing I wanted to do was start over, nevertheless I didn’t have a choice. I knew if I moved again, there was a chance I wouldn’t make it. Not long after, I found out my friend had died. Her brother murdered the rest of his family along with her. She made my move easier when I was there. I would miss her, but she made me realize how truly messed up the world can be. I missed home, so much that if I couldn’t be there, then I didn’t want to be in the world at all. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t go back home, that chapter has closed, and it was time to open a new one. It was pivotal that I burn down the stage, throw away the costume, and figure out who I am. The pain will always be there, but I am stronger for
We were doing all of our tasks perfectly fine now. But, it was time for another family meeting……. we were going to move in two weeks. Disbelief at first, then sadness, then anger, then sadness again.
Arriving in the overgrown drive way trees start to crowd your vision, in the middle of all the trees I see an old beach house; that has stayed the same over the 18 years I have been going up there. Grandma is waiting outside on the front porch we all run up to give her a hug, then we go and start unpacking for a week’s worth of relaxing. First thing we do when were done unpacking is go to the old but new play structure. We sit on the swings and look out towards the big blue Michigan Lake. White caps cover most of the water along with passing boats, and some kayakers. Right over the horizon I can see the lights from the town, reaching into the sky. The sun is starting to set; the sky is painted with pink, orange, and yellow.
Learning that everyone’s time is precious and we should live every moment alongside the people we love the most, because we’ll never be too sure when they’re going to leave us. Till this day it still doesn’t feel real, I keep telling myself that one day she’ll be back and everything will be ok. She was the heart and soul of our family where we all would gather at Thanksgiving time or just on a regular day. Her home was always full of joy and excitement but now it’s full of loneliness and darkness. She is gone now, to a new home, a home called
It was just another Saturday afternoon, but instead of my family taking their usual places in line, my friends took their spots. As our lives settled to move on without us, my brother would stay at home to do homework, my dad would stay with him, and my mom still brought me just like before, only she now sat in the lounge working on her unfair laptop instead of accompanying me on the mountains. They all grew up a little more, so I tried to, too. And even though I missed