
Eurocentric Beauty Standards Of African American Women

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Eurocentric beauty standards focus on European features as the basis of beauty. Features such as pale skin, straight hair and light eyes are commonly accepted rather than kinky hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. In the past, these standards have been linked to colorism, discrimination and even self-hatred. The standards have been imposed on the women of the world, but they have affected African American women for centuries. Although some black women are now more accepting of who they are, experts agree that they are still affected by the standards. There are some disagreements on whether black women are as vulnerable to the effects of the standards in today’s time. Black women are subjected to mainstream beauty standards …show more content…

Straight hair is typically more accepted socially and in the workplace. Chanel Donaldson in her article about hair alteration, points out that hair alteration is due to assimilation and economic security (1). Having straight hair makes it less difficult for black women to go about everyday life normally. Donaldson also states that sometimes straightening hair makes women “more attractive in the job market” (1). Meaning black women must conform to the dress code of where ever they apply and sometimes the workplace will have specific bans against certain hairstyles that are seen on black women. Many times, in history, black women’s hair has been referred to as “unkempt” and even “unattractive” which also makes black women feel as if it is necessary to straighten their hair. However, Donaldson does state that some women can just like the look and the convenience of straightened hair (1). Some women just have the desire to switch their hairstyle or keep a style that does not require as much effort as another style may. The desire of having straightened hair is not indicative of anything other than just wanting …show more content…

These programs are geared towards the self-knowledge and self-development of black girls (Bryant 88). This means there is a place where black girls can learn about themselves without the fear of being judged or rejected by society’s standards. These programs are supposed to counter “negative self-perception . . . young [black] women face and promote positive life outcomes” (Bryant 88). Bryant also argues that “Empowering dark-skinned black women with these programs and interventions can help reinforce the notion that all black skin tones should be part of the established beauty standard” (88). Eurocentric beauty standards have both negative and positive effects. Negatively, they have set an unrealistic standard for women to attempt to meet. They have also set in certain ways of thinking that can be toxic to the mind of young children and adult black women. Positively, beauty standards have made black women helped make black women less susceptible to any notion that they are not good enough in the eyes of the world. While beauty standards can have good or bad qualities, it is the consensus that the standards are very

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