
European Imperialism In Africa

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The race for expansion was the particular driving force for the scramble of South East Asia and Africa. The motivation or theme when imperializing a country would be for its size, quantity raw/natural materials, and the native people basically Social Darwinism. These two countries both contained the abundance and natural materials needed by the colonizers. The view on how the same country affected each country was completely two different outcomes and results.
During the late nineteenth century, the major European powers scrambled to colonize Africa. Before the 1880, the Europeans controlled little of the African continent. Using indirect and direct rule, European nations exploited Africa, and their governance stimulated African nationalism. The positive effects of imperialism were the cultural benefits that could be profited. Cultural Imperialism in Africa was responsible …show more content…

The initial goal of European countries was to maximize the economic potential of their colonies. Colonial rule in Africa was quite the same as Southeast Asia, most European governments ruled their new territories in Africa with the least effort and expense possible, the Europeans rule on Africa was indirect. Indirect rule meant that relying on existing political elites and institutions, the British had especially followed this approach and in some areas the British simply asked a local ruler to accept their authority and to put their flag over every official building. Indirect rule led to some negative consequences, the British were basically fraud because their administrators made all the major decisions. The colonial powers endeavored to minimize the costs of their empires. The negative effects of colonization and colonial rule were briefly depicted in Kipling’s poem named “The White Man’s Burden” (Documents 7). The poem itself stated

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