
European Imperialism: Righting The Wrongs Of Colonialism

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Righting the Wrongs of Colonialism
Even though Europe represents only about 8 percent of the earth, between 1492 and 1914, Europeans conquered 84 percent of the globe, establishing colonies and spreading their influence across every inhabited continent. Europe soared to the top, even though in 1942, China was the most advanced nation in the world in terms of goods, Middle east was constantly developing new inventions and Africa was the most resourceful continent on the face of planet earth. Europe accumulated wealth and power through trade and innovations: however, the most significant mechanism Europeans used was racism and white supremacy through colonization. So why was white supremacy vital to the economic and political expansion of Western nations? Although it is arguably one of the biggest social struggles today, racism was initially socially constructed purely for …show more content…

Driven by the policies of mercantilism and the profiting production of crops, this analysis will focus on how white supremacy fueled the engines of colonialism during the fifteenth century.
Mercantilism is a system dominated by Western European economic thought and policies from the sixteenth to the late eighteenth centuries. Mercantilism is economic independence for building a wealthy and powerful state. The goal is to achieve an advantageous balance of trade while also maintaining a domestic employment. The theory of mercantilism states that there is a certain amount of wealth in the world and that it is in a nation’s best interest to accumulate that wealth, and through that wealth, a nation is able to achieve power (Dunn & Mitchell 543). An important economic progress for mercantilism was the establishment of colonies outside of Europe. This theory of mercantilism encouraged the development of an Atlantic economy that

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