Norma: Cindy represents every ministry with excellent customer service and professionalism. She is frequently not asking for the spelling of names, nor repeating them back as well as capturing the correct time for stations. Although Cindy sounds professional she does say phrases while taking calls that shouldn't be said. This may be because of her transition from customer service to answering calls. She will say to callers, "You've reached the ordering line, so I will try to help you". Overall, she's a very strong agent that does an excellent job.
After reading through chapter six, I began reading chapter seven of our psychology text titled, Learning. Learning is something we do everyday even we don’t realize it. While reading chapter seven, I learned that there are three different types of learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive learning. Classical conditioning stands for two types of stimuli linking providing us the tools to have a reaction; this is the type of learning that involves automatic behaviors. Operant conditioning is the type of learning that causes a change in behavior, in reaction to consequences; this is the behavior that involves choosing of choices. Lastly, cognitive learning is the obtaining of new skills, behaviors, and information through
Ronda you continue to handle legislative, central office and local inquires accurately and proficiently. Ronda you provide accurate information concerning the progress of the Rev Team to me and our Bureau Chief and you provide training to new staff and refresher training to seasoned staff as needed. Ronda you assist the APS supervisors in my absence, you have assisted with supervising
This is Pam’s third week on the phone and she does a decent job with the verification & order protocols, only having a few inconsistencies. She is kind with the callers, but she needs to be mindful of her interjections for call control. Pam can show improvement with saying the opening script once the call has been answered, accessing & searching information quicker, and capturing accurate station information. Also she needs to work on using the phonetic spelling more often.
Debroah does well with capturing the NAPE and following a script, however this comes at a cost many times to the caller. She will interrupt and phrase words that come across rude at times. She has been brought over to training to listen to one call imparticular and did apologize for her rude behavior. Deborah needs to listen to her her callers and not have a tunnel vision of capturing the information and not letting anyone disrupt that path. She has had a couple of q.c. errors on protocols as well. She has a good heart and wants to do well, but she must learn to develop kind customer service skills in any situation that she faces. Overall, she is a good agent.
How exciting this past week has been for me. Julie Hyland's presentation got my brain just a turning on how music plays such an important part of everyone's life. We have the Music & Memory program where I work but don't feel that it has been explained or used to it's best interest. I am excited about finding out more information and making it a better program at work!
- ( :25) After the client advises why she is calling in, Nancy has a good specific initial acknowledgment. This demonstrates that she is listening.
Jean is a care worker in a residential care home. Her job is to provide care for the physical, social and emotional needs of the residents she works with, as well as liaising with a variety of people who are linked with the residents.
Patrick Lavilla: Hi Claudia, tell us a little bit about yourself and your role in the Heads Up America Campaign.
Whether working in the Minicenter or completing Center work assignments, Geri consistently receives high ratings on comments sheets. Samuel Wagreich wrote, “Geri was fantastic. Very attentive and not hesitate to reach out with questions. Good attention to detail.” She also establishes good rapport with attorneys as indicated in a comment from Kathleen Ferrell, “I had a very good experience with Geri and am
Miss Judy is the Quality Assurance /staff educator/infection control nurse at the skilled nursing facility where I work. What is most fascinating and admirable about Miss Judy is that, she has 3 job descriptions that she manages to multitask on a daily basis. I really commend her for what she does because I have seen her work relentlessly in a dependable manner. She is a nurse leader I greatly admire and aspire to be like.
With his constant pursuit for civil rights, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. helped bridge the gap between races during the 1960Õs. (It was) His unique approach of using nonviolent protests (to) helped create an awareness of the inequalities the African Americans had to endure during this time period. In 1963, King went to Birmingham, Alabama to engage in a nonviolent protest (there), yet before he could perform the (protest Ð use synonym such as rally or something) he was arrested. While King was in the prison he wrote Letter from a Birmingham Prison. By reading this letter one can easily see that aside from being ahehe civil rights crusader, King was also an incredibly
Cindy is the director of human resources. She has been a working member of the
Christine will be responsible to coach and mentor the other new hired shop assistant, service customers, keep tract inventory/replenishment and report customers’ comments/complaints to Lydia for ensuring corrective action be taken.
6. What are the benefits of being a proactive leader? Is being a reactive leader necessary at times? Explain Proactivity is crucial to effective leadership. It displays ones abilities to foresee an issue, implement controls and still continue the mission without incident.
The Canterbury Tales; written by Geoffery Chaucer in the middle ages stands out as one of the key pieces of poetry from the time. The Canterbury tales consist of many tales told by pilgrims on their way to The Cathedral of St. Thomas A. Becket in Canterbury. Thirty pilgrims gathered for the voyage to the cathedral and all agreed to tell two tales there and two on the way back. The pilgrims on the trip all come from different background and all have different professions that will make each of their tales’ unique. The Friar’s tale carries unique components and lessons. The Friar’s prologue and tale will be elaborated in the most detail here.