
Evaluating Classwork

Decent Essays

Julia tries her best very hard to complete her homework and classwork assignments. She works well in small groups with teacher-guided instruction. Julia is currently a 8th grade level student. She is struggling to meet grade-level requirements in reading and writing. Her mother requested that Julia be tested. Julia is able to socialize in class. Julia makes friends easily and is very affectionate. Julia is a sweet and loving child, she gets along well with her peers. However, more additional information is needed to determine whether Julia eligible for special education services.

According to her teacher, Julia is not meeting grade-level requirements in reading. The teachers have concerns that Julia has difficulty with reading and writing. She has begun avoiding school work and is becoming frustrated as evidenced by tears, not doing her work, being more social and distracted in class. …show more content…

Julia's teachers work one-one with her to help her get through her assignments. Her lessons are modified for her and given to her in smaller chunks. Julia will run concurrent with testing as Ms. and Mr. Smith, Julia's parents requested that Julia be tested. Moreover, specific interventions will put in place for reading and writing.

Julia is stronger in math. Julia is a helper at home assisting with routine chores. Julia wants to do well in all of her subject areas. Julia tries to work hard to follow class

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