Part 3: Evaluate your presentation Evaluation of one to one presentation The final part of this assessment requires you to evaluate your presentations. Your self- evaluation report should be typed document and include around 500 words. It should address the following questions and be written in plain English: 1. What worked well during the presentation? • Voice: The person who was presenting projected his voice very clearly and professionally. Any words that seem to be complicated and not common to terms that we normally speak were very well explained so that anyone who felt a bit lost could understand the issues and solutions that needed to be described about the presentation • Sufficient materials prepared for the presentation: In …show more content…
There was also a good sense of teaching that was done by the presenter to the audience for any person that had any questions that needed to be answered. The materials that the presenter had that he presented for himself to the audience and the sheets of papers with diagrams that he gave the audience to look at where all done in a very professional manner. There was no evidence to suggest that there was any information that was missing. Any bits of information that seemed a bit complicated were addressed to ensure that all the people who were in attendance understood what was going on. 3. What suggestions for improvement were made, if any? Improvements that were done were small exercises such as 5 minutes to engage with other people in attendance. This brought a feeling of the type of people that people were seated in attendance with. Other small improvements that were done were the humor side of things in the presentation. The presenter had a few jokes that made the audience feel engaged with one another and the presenter speaking 4. Based on the feedback, what aspects of your presentation would you change? I should consider implementing different presentation delivery methods such
Describe five significant points (in detail and complete sentences) that you absorbed from this presentation that is related to what
The speaker’s delivery was good, they were so nice and socialized. They were all standing and walking around the class room when they were giving the speech, they were asking audience questions, discussions and everybody contributed in the class room, they speakers were not loud, their voice was good for audiences, they were speaking slowly so that everybody can understand, they used their hands to explain things and also read PowerPoint to audience, Yes speakers were natural, at ease, direct and communicative which make the speech interesting and understandable to audience. Speakers were organized and they were not using terms that audience may not understand and they were not just repeating one thing. Speech was really going smoothly. Yes there was introduction, which is how everybody generally has their own primary love languages for receiving love and giving love, Body was to known the love languages such as words of Affirmation, Quality time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of service and Physical touch and conclusion was knowing the love languages is powerful, but knowing how they work in your relationships that is the game changer.
For supporting materials, Jamie seemed very knowledgeable on the process of making delicious cookies. She made sure to let her audience know to use cooking oats and the reason why very clearly and more than once. Jamie had once source for the recipe at Ashley was very knowledgeable about her subject, but the only thing close to supporting material, was that she had gotten her certification from the Red Cross. When it came to visual aids, Ashley had a CPR dummy that she used.
He used a story telling atmosphere to his speech and made the atmosphere feel like we were two old friends talking around the fireplace. His delivery was solid and I did not feel that any part was distracting. The tone of voice and rate were very conversational and he used his hands to aid in the story. He did not use his hands too little or too much. Rob walked around the circle telling his story and moved aside to show us his pictures.
14. appropriate use of AV media (power point slides: contrasting colour, succinct points, appropriate background animation and sound that adds value)
The visual aids that people used were very helpful in understanding the topic. Mikey's PowerPoint was a good example of this. He used many pictures to bring humor to the situation. I think that that was very creative and it was fun to watch and hear about his topic. I found Mike's speech to be very creative. This is because even though some of his presentation was very graphic I think that was creative that he used what he did. By doing this, he got everyone’s attention.
The intended audience for the presentation is identified and their level of understanding of the presentation topic is assessed
Name and background of presenter. What do they do for a living? Where do they do it? What is their education and experiences? Why were they asked to present this lecture? (Approximately 350 words page).
Kirk Osborn is the Managing Director at Thinking Ledge LLC. During his presentation, he was trying to show the students how to master the art of presenting. Consequently, from his presentation, I was able to learn several presentation skills and how to engage with the audience. One thing that I liked the most from his presentation was his interaction with the audience. Instead of using several PowerPoint slides to sell the product, “Transmeta”, he was successfully able to engage with the audience by talking about real-life examples that people could relate to.
Comparing to my pervious speeches, I thought I was more confident and effective. Since we were in the small room, I made sure that the tone and volume of my voices were balanced. Moreover, throughout the speeches I used various hand gestures to help me get connect with the audience. Preparation is one the most effective way to improve in any kinds of speech. Therefore, I could have done better by practice and preparing more.
He had a slide show and an obvious direction to his speech. However, there were a couple instances when there was confusion, where people just blurted out questions. When this happened, Dr. Roy calmly clarified and made sure the person understood after he had answered. He seemed to be on the performance side more when talking about is background and work he did. He switched to the communication side when it came to the more scientifically specialized topics. For example, after the slide he asked, “Do you guys understand what phosphorus fixing is?” to get a gauge on how much the audience picked up from him.
The presentation Aid the speaker chose to use is a projector hooked up to a computer using a PowerPoint presentation, the use of these really brought out the message is trying to get across. We have some people that absorb information by listening others are visual learners so he covered both bases.
The persuasive speeches were much intriguing than the informative speeches. Hearing my classmates opinion on a topic that has meaning to them was exciting to watch. The two speakers I decided to critique are Jack and Jennifer. Jack and Jennifer both prepared superb presentations. Their introductions grabbed my attention and intrigued me to listen to every word, especially Jen when she listed the traits of a healthy baby formula. Then when she said it was breastfeeding, it caught everyone's attention. Jennifer lacked eye contact with the audience, she was reading from a paper. On the contrary, she presented great statistics about the benefits of breastfeeding. She also attacked the opposing argument effectively. Her visual aid comparing breastfeeding
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the introduction? How did you gain the audience’s attention?
Our presentation slides focuses more on pictures, charts and key-points for visual aid. By keeping the slides simple, audiences can focus more on the speaker. The videos uploaded by the Centre for English Language Communication department tell us our weaknesses which we do not realize by ourselves. Reflecting on my first and second presentation through videos and feedbacks from Ms. Christine has helped me