
Evaluating The Sources Of Data Variable Is A Controlled Or Uncontrolled Experiment Using Variables

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A hypothesis is a point of research for evaluating the sources of data in either a controlled or uncontrolled experiment using variables. An hypothesis is the prediction that requires the process of being proved of being false or true (Bowles, 2013). A hypothesis must be clear and simple to understand that states the purpose of a test. It must contain logical and be testable. The hypothesis defines what data variable are considered for testing. The development of a hypothesis begins with identifying the object with an abstract concept of the research and relationship to a statement being evaluated (Bowles, 2013). There are four stages to testing a hypothesis in statics. The four stages are state the hypothesis, set criteria for a decision, collect the data, and evaluated the data. A hypothesis statement contains two parts a null hypothesis and and alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is represented as Ho or Hn that is believed to be true or a basis for an argument (Tayor, 2016). It always has a equal sign (Tanner & Youssef-Morgan, 2013). The alternative hypothesis is represented as Hi or Ha that is established as an opposite of the Ho. Ha can only be reached by the rejection of the Ho. Ha is the desired outcome. A example of a stated hypothesis is as followed: Ho: p = p, and Ha: p =/= p (Zhong & Zhong, 2013). The criteria for accepting and rejecting the hypothesis depends on a specific calculated value set by the research. The criteria value has to

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