Classroom management is a set of methods and skills used by educators to assist students in being more organized, alert, thoughtful, disciplined as well as being more academically productive. Classroom management when used correctly and effectively can help teachers maintain and control behaviors that may hinder learning for the class or a particular student, while at the same time maximizing behaviors that enhance learning for the students (Classroom Management, 2014). A practice that can contribute to an effective classroom management could be an entry routine. An entry routine is a method that teachers use to establish a consistent schedule that begins when the students enter the classroom each and every day. This routine could be pre-arranged seat assignments, students passing in assignments due, having books, paper and pencils ready or having a “warm-up” activity at the beginning of class. This type of routine helps maintain order in the classroom and avoids wasting valuable learning time at the beginning of the class (Classroom Management, 2014). In addition to entry routine, another excellent example of classroom management at the beginning of class can be a Do Now. A Do Now is an activity that the students are given at the start of class, which is usually a written response to a question on the board. This activity gets students ready for class by getting the students focused and prepared for instructions (Classroom Management, 2014). A final example of a
Good classroom and behaviour management is essential for a lesson to run smoothly. Knowing how to anticipate and manage problems will ensure that students spend maximum time on task, and those students who are eager to learn are
Throughout my observation of the classroom, I notice the classroom has routine schedule. The students come in take their coat off, go to the bathroom and wash their hands. Next, he students sit down at a table
In a diverse classroom each student will be attended based on their individual need and teachers will meet each child at their level. Student will be treated equally regardless of their cultural background or socioeconomic status. By providing a good classroom management system, we will have a respectful and inclusive class culture. Establishing good classroom routines is essential to creating a positive environment for students to focus on learning. The follow sections cover those routine in our class
The term classroom management is a broad umbrella term, which includes classroom discipline, social interactions, behavior, activities, and teaching methods. According to the American Psychological Association, classroom management is defined as, “the process by which teachers and schools create and
A classroom is a very dynamic and spontaneous place. Every classroom is comprised of a diverse combination of individuals who all contribute to the unpredictable nature and uniqueness of the class. The reality that no two students are alike and no two classes are ever alike, contributes greatly to the difficulty of establishing a realistic and effective classroom management plan. It is important that teachers realize that a classroom is an unpredictable place and that it is much more reasonable to strive to manage their classroom as opposed to trying to control it. I see my role as a managing teacher as
and remind the students of what they are required to do in your classroom. This can be
When the student arrives into the classroom they should enter quietly, get their work from their cubbies, and wait patiently on the teacher to give instructions if not told before they sit down in a seat on the correct side of the room. When class starts they will start off with a warm up on the lesson that is planned for the day/week or review from the previous lesson to make sure everyone is on the right place. No one will be judged on their class work from other peers that are in the group as well. As a class they will learn to help each other when he or she is struggling or behind on a lesson. After all the class work is done they can go use the restroom if need be, but if not, they are to work on their sight words, read a book, or to finish up any work for a different class that needs to be complete. Reason for the warmups and the extra reading I want to encourage the students to improve their reading and math skills, so they can improve their testing scores, so they will not have sit in another classroom without their
Managing your classroom determines how effective you are as a teacher. In this training, it talks about many different ways you can create structure in the classroom. One of the ways was setting rules. Another was to set individual and whole group goals in classroom and commit to completing each goal. It is very important to have complete control over your classroom it promotes maturity, safety, trust and easy flow.
One must look at classroom management as a plan for what procedures students will follow throughout the day. Teachers must understand their role in making sure students have a successful experience each day. Wong H. & Wong R., state “Effective teachers teach how to responsibly follow procedures” (2009, p. 165). To have a smooth-running classroom with minimal behaviors, students must be taught classroom procedures from the very first day. In my classroom we have procedures for many things we do each day. Some of these are arrival of children, snack time, lining up and walking down the hallway, and cleaning up centers. I have been teaching these procedures for many years with much success.
Classroom management is the process by which teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of students in classroom settings. When classroom-management strategies are executed effectively, teachers minimize the behaviors that impede learning for both individual students and groups of students, while maximizing the behaviors that facilitate or enhance learning. Classroom management is really hard and there are many theorists that talk about it and each is different from the other where each theorist has his/her own ideas and thoughts. Some of them are mentioned below.
I have heard that for many beginning teachers, classroom management can be one of the most challenging aspects of their new career. Knowing this, I decided to experiment with many classroom management approaches during my student teaching to find one that fit both my students and myself. Based on these experiences, I designed a classroom management plan that I will implement in my classroom as a beginning teacher. It is important to note, however, that my classroom management philosophy will be evolving as necessary as I gain more experience and insight into the field of teaching. Also, my classroom management plan may need to be altered to fit my specific group of students.
My philosophy of classroom management is to allow students to be responsible for their own behavior at all times. I believe allowing students to be responsible for their behavior and actions allow them to have a sense of freedom. When students have freedom, they seem to be more successful and respectful. Classroom management is more successful when the class is student-centered. Students should be included in the planning of classroom rules, room arrangement, and communication should flow smoothly between teacher and student. Although the class is student-centered the teacher should be in control of the classroom. The teacher should know what is going on at all times, plan interesting and informative lessons, and be
Classroom management is a key element to establish a successful learning environment in any classroom. An effective classroom management plan creates a positive learning environment. Classroom management is affected by the characteristics of the students and their behavior. Students’ behavior is influenced by their age, academic abilities, goals, interests, and home backgrounds (Evertson, Emmer, and Worsham, 2006). Teachers need a diverse array of classroom management skills to facilitate learning. A classroom with a proper management plan will spend less time in disciplining and more time in learning. Students in effectively managed classrooms know and follow clearly defined rules and routines. A classroom management plan should provide
There are several types of strategies that need to take place in the classroom setting. For one, the teachers need preventative, supportive and corrective strategies to implement classroom management. These are all ways to help the classroom run smoothly, and ensure that the teacher is implementing classroom
Classroom management focuses on the way the classroom is run. It is proactive and requires preparation on the front end before activities begin. Classroom management is initiated by the teacher and the students react appropriately. Classroom management allows procedures, in