This assignment consists of four tasks – evaluation of collaborative tools (blackboard, social media, and online calendar) of a new project named accounting database creation using Microsoft Access 2010 of Reliable Software Ltd; estimate efforts of new project components based on the past data; analysis data for making conclusions of concerned components; and contingency plan development.
Assignment part 1 - Collaboration tools’ evaluation
Collaboration tools are described as whatever types of tools that allow team members to communicate interact and collaborate with each other when working (McAfee, 2009). with the use of internet and technology advancement, there is a variety of collaboration tools used between groups. This report evaluates the use of collaboration tools in a project named accounting database creation using Microsoft Access 2010 in Reliable Software Ltd (RSL).
Theoretically, the use of collaboration tools may be required by the company as one of its policies. However, in many cases, project managers freely select collaboration tools as long as they meet the project’s goals and objectives and support the implementations to achieve such goals and objectives. In addition, when selecting such tools, project managers need to consider to additional criteria such as the ability to access of all stakeholders, the ability to understand and use such tools of all stakeholders
In this project, because the company give the project manager the right to
During this phase, I felt that team collaboration was very important for developing and testing a product. The relational database management system would be more appropriate to replace the existing structure of library system. But, adding new datasets in the existing data library system was the best solution keeping in view the financial constraints of the project.
The CanGo organization is lacking a Project Budget. The group is disorganized and unsure if the project can afford necessary equipment and resources required to complete the project. CanGo’s project team or the project manager needs to develop a project budget, including the goal of the project budget. The project manager will use this budget to help determine if the project is on track and the budget will be used by a number of personal as a guideline to fulfill project milestones. Aspects that need to be considered and included in the project budget are employee compensation, contract services such as hardware and software, equipment and supplies, and the budget should include overhead expenses. Overhead and indirect costs allow the project to absorb part of the administrative costs of the organizations daily operations. Many software options are available on the market today, such as
Another option managers have to improve interaction is the care in assignment of members to the project team. The selection of stakeholders and IT personnel with personal interest in the new system improves the chances for success (Havelka and Lee, April 25, 2002).
In this work related project analysis various information will be for gathering information. Some of the areas that will be covered are; methods of searching, interviewing techniques to gather the information, agreement for articulating requirements, and strategies to gather information for computerization. Requirements must
This course provides the foundation for successful project planning, organization, and implementation within the realm of information technology. The course uses real-world examples and identifies common mistakes and pitfalls in project management. Topics covered include project scoping, estimating, budgeting, scheduling and staffing, tracking and controlling, and software tools for project management.
Compare and contrast Excel and Access focusing on common capabilities, unique capabilities, and when to use each.
You understand that database technology can dramatically improve your ability to analyze information, compared to spreadsheet technology, and assist you in developing your strategic plans for the cafe. To help you familiarize yourself with databases and their associated business value you need to create a report detailing the basics of databases and why they are better for running a business than spreadsheet applications. Be sure to provide a detailed explanation of relational databases along with their associated business advantages.
Otto von Simson, The Gothic cathedral: origins of Gothic architecture and the medieval concept of order (New York: Pantheon Books, 1956), 21-39.
Latin American immigrants are not just concentrated to one area of the country. Cubans mostly live in Florida, while Puerto Ricans live in the northeast, and Mexicans mostly live in the southwest (Chavez, et al, 2005: 508). Their main destinations in the United States could be based on the geographic locations of their home countries. They settle in the area of the United States that is the closest to their country of origin. The formation of ethnic enclaves is common among immigrants because it connects them to their home country. They are able to livie among people who speak the same language, or in this case the same dialect, prepare the same food, and have the same cultural values. This spatial distancing is further proof of separate ethnic identities. Immigrants tend to live within groups of people from their own countries, not just with people who identify as Latino. By living with people from their home countries, immigrants maintain connections with where they came from.
Create the best method for sharing and updating the project WBS, schedule, cost estimation, and reports with those working on the project
Task 1. Summarize each of the above-proposed projects in a simple table format suitable for presentation to top management. Include the name for each project, identify how each one supports business strategies, assess the potential financial benefits and other benefits of each project, and provide your initial assessment of the value of each project.
Microsoft Access is a database engine and development environment in one package. It is typically workstation-based, and designed to be easy to use, even for users
Leonardo was not of one the first persons to quantify facial proportions, yet his obsession with perfections led him to write more than eight hundred words to describe the proportionality of the face [1]. Individuals seek aesthetic perfection of the human face and in the eyes of the beholder this can be achieved by applying geometric constructions to depict beauty. Geometric constructions utilizing the golden ratio are not limited to facial esthetics. In fact, the ratio is used in other paintings and in architecture.
Microsoft Access provides many functions for end users. While working in IT Support, many different situations may present from customers phoning in and requesting information or assistance. Following are three different situations that may be presented at a support desk. First, we will examine a veterinarian who wants to use Microsoft® Access® for his business, and has some questions regarding the functions of Access. Second, a man created a database to inventory his customers’ past due accounts to ensure that he receives payment. Third, a user has been using a Microsoft® Access® database and queries to track her commemorative