Olanrewaju Akeem Yusuf
School of Engineering and Built Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University, Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA, UK.
Conventionally, underperformance in construction projects was linked to lack of capability to manage information among the project team of which contractual and organization structural solutions had been applied with little or no success, focuses are on the actual people and their contractual relationship. Sadly, effective approach to this information problem had eluded the industry for the past century or so. Patently, findings from
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This report presents the evaluation of how BIM can successfully create enabling environment to solve the information management problem in construction projects and thereby improve performance across all indications.
Keywords: Information management; Project management; Project team
Undisputedly, construction process is one of the most complex human endeavours in history, with huge amount of details that involve large number of people working at the same time on a single deliverable object, be it buildings, bridges, dams or the likes, the process is equally demanding, challenging and complicated. Every single person with a role on a construction project needs information about what to do, how to do it, where to do it and when to do it and lots more information required to carry out a single task successfully.
The required information had to be created in a certain form and communicated to those that need the information in the best explicit way. Imagine how many tasks will be required to construct Wembley Stadium for example including
In his paper, the author explains us how the technology advancement is taking place, how 2D modelling started initially, how it led to 3D modelling and now how building information modelling techniques are being linked to 3D modelling. BIM is not just about modelling, but it also includes project planning, design and construction. He clearly explains what BIM is in the form of a flow chart. Where he says that B in BIM stands for Residential, commercial, healthcare, institutional, sports and entertainment, I in BIM stands for Spatial, element, systems, quantities, schedule, operations and M in BIM stands for site, architectural, structural, MEP systems, sustainability and management. This all phases of the program are a continuous chain where programming, design, pre construction, construction, operations, and demolition are done. This research also supports that the concept of building information modelling is not only useful for the building’s geometric modelling, but also it can assist in the management of construction projects. In this research, the author has collected information from 35 construction projects that have already utilized BIM. The most common result that was observed was the cost reduction. For some people, BIM is a software application, where as for others, it is a process for designing and documenting
It is clear to see that throughout the project the tasks and progress were monitored very closely. The project is heavily dependent on the resources provided by its shareholders and in turn they rely on regular updates to reassure them on their investment. In the construction and building industry the methods and application of project management tools are very reliable and well tested. Therefore, it could benefit the project if the it was managed with detailed and defined practises and also follow standards set and agreed upon on a international level.
The aim of this Literature Review is to gain an understanding of what Building Information Modelling (BIM) is, what SMEs are, establish the importance of BIM, why BIM should be implemented and to explore the key issues associated with the adoption and implementation of BIM by SMEs in a live construction environment.
There are top 25 works can be done by BIM in Construction Industry and every BIM use has different frequency and benefit. The works done by using BIM in construction industry are as follows:
The concept of BIM integrates all the activities related to the design, construction and operation into the ICT model developed and implemented within a communication platform. From the point of view of the project management theory and construction practice, the area of interest is integrated risk based on BIM. Negative consequences such as delays and financial losses that are detrimental conducted by investors raise a question of whether and how implementation of principles of BIM in project management can improve management activities associated with risk in construction projects.
The future of our industry lies in how best we can integrate and communicate all our work with various stakeholders to manage a project efficiently. This has given rise to an area called construction informatics where a significant amount of research is being done. The area deals with a range of subjects from integration to interoperability and from knowledge mining to strategic management. This area came into existence from two fields. The first was the use of computers to design and carry out time and cost calculations. The other was for computers to categorize and store essential information. Currently, integration, interoperability, innovation along with strategic management of Information and Communication Technologies are the key areas of research of construction informatics (Isikdag 2009).
Quantity surveying, Design analysis (based on the type of materials), Wood and other fabrication works can be induced in one single model to reduce the number of complications thereby increasing visualization and also functionalization within construction project team (Luthra, 2010)- P5.
Building information modelling (BIM) is a new technology that is undoubtedly reshaping the construction industry as we know it. BIM is designed to change the way in which we communicate.
For us professionals involved in a project, BIM therefore enables a virtual information model to be handed from the design team to the main contractor and subcontractors and then on to the owner/operator with each professional adding discipline-specific data to the single shared model. One of the benefits of this approach is that there is a reduction in the loss of information that traditionally occurred when a new team takes
The construction industry needs tools and techniques for land use, economic development, and environment planning to cope with development in various locations. This
It has been recognised that it is common to have much higher real construction costs than what was predicted at early design and plan phrase. Poor data and information management as one of the major reasons causes costoverruns has achieved $16 billion a year in US construction industry given by recent research carried out by US NIST (2004). The adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) was then suggested and encouraged by many expertise which has been proved in many practical construction cases in the past that BIM would help to efficiently reduce the information costs throughout the construction process. In this paper the researcher will briefly introduce the background and development of BIM. The relationship between BIM adoption and project cost-saving in Architects, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry will also be analysed. Besides, this paper also aims to discuss the potential impacts of the use of BIM on total duration and project costs in construction industry. This is carried out through analysing and evaluating the benefits and innovation of project process within BIM environment. Apart from that, challenges associated with BIM technology and barriers that prevent people from adopting BIM technology will be presented in the end.
A technology solution suggested by Lee and Yu (2012, p. 82) is the web-based Project Management Information System (PMIS), which although not guaranteed to deliver project performance outcomes, is recognised as a vital tool to improving the probability of doing so. The construction industry is highlighted by (Liberatore and Pollack Jackson (2004, p. 170) as one with high usage of the most sophisticated project management information systems,
The size of project construction was huge, including many different departments like design construction operation and supervision department. Meanwhile, human resource management between managers, construction teams, and construction workers is an important issue which influences the cost time and quality.
BIM can be defined as “a modeling technology and associated set of processes to produce, communicate and analyze building models” (Eastman et al., 2011; p: 117). Some professionals consider BIM as the key to tackling variations and ineptitudes in construction projects (Arayici et.al, 2012; Coates et. al, 2010). The adoption of BIM standards carries with it several advantages but simultaneously poses challenges in the implementation (as it is implemented differently between the industry and the academia). A major hindrance identified in literature is the gap between industry needs and academia readiness.
All three respondents agreed that the usage of BIM in Malaysian Construction Industry is low. This is because the understanding of BIM in developers are still low. Many companies only defined BIM as a 3D model. Their concept of BIM only stops at the design stage. Even though, CIDB had made many initiatives to promote BIM, developers are still reluctant to implement