
Evaluation Of Metaphysics & Happiness

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Zi li Kuang HPP paper 2 draft 3
Evaluation of Metaphysics & Happiness: Buddhism & Taoism Two of Asia 's most influential religions are Buddhism and Taoism. The correlation between the two massive religions and the difference in the philosophy behind their ideologies also greatly influences the interpretation of metaphysics. The ambiguity both religions strive to understand is the significance & purpose of human life. While Buddhists believe in anatta, the idea that there is no self, and in constant suffering, dukkha, caused by craving, tanha, and can only be liberated from dukkha with Nirvana, achieved through the eight-fold path, Taoists believe that because opposing forces, yin & yang, create a harmony that moves the universe, the …show more content…

"We the unhating live happily midst the haters"(Dhammapada). The Buddha defines "happiness" as "being unaffected by the hate around him. Health’s the greatest gain, contentment, best of wealth, trusting’s best of kin, Nirvana bliss supreme"(Dhammapada). In this excerpt of the Dhammapada, the Buddha believes that health is the ultimate form of satisfaction. It is better than financial wealth and is the best relationship one can have. He values good health, both mentally and physically over personal greed because it is simply more important. This hints the importance of the eight-fold path. The eight-fold path helps one live a healthy lifestyle, free of craving. I agree with him because I also believe that health is more important than money. "Somehow -- consciously or not, directly or indirectly, in the short or the long term, whatever we do, whatever we hope, whatever we dream -- somehow, is related to a deep, profound desire for well-being or happiness"(Ricard). Ricard, a French buddhist monk following Tibetan Buddhism, is the happiest man in the world. According to his Ted talk, he believes that our actions are directly related to our ongoing desire for happiness as part of human nature. This relationship of happiness and actions is an example of the Buddhist concept of Karma, or the belief of cause and effect. Whatever actions we do will affect us someday in the same light. Good actions yield good karma and bad actions yield bad karma. "And happiness of

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