This is an in-depth analysis of the training I have received over the last three summers of being a Golf Course Maintenance Employee at Pelican Lakes Golf Course. First and foremost I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity that you have provided me over the last three summers as employee under your watchful eye. I have gained multiple life and job skills in my years there that I will be able to take with me for years to come. You are a great leader, boss and mentor and have helped numerous young adults like myself by giving us a lending hand when needed and putting the trust in our hands to represent your name and the company you run. I want to go a little more in-depth with the analysis of the training I received from you and the other bosses at Pelican Lakes to give you a in-sight of the job well done that you constantly provide. First and most important, the empowerment and trust you give to your employees is why the maintenance staff at Pelican Lakes is full of dedicated workers year in and year out. According to our text, empowerment is the management practice of sharing information, rewards, knowledge, and power with frontline service employees so that they can better respond to customers’ needs and expectation (Fisk, Grove, John, page 84, 2014). Even though our job identity is more of a backstage framework, the empowerment you give to the employees allows us to do the job in a timely and professional manner. Upon my first day working, I had no prior work
Stonebridge Country Club is proud to announce the addition of Kara Rowden as the new Director of Catering and Social Events. In her new role, Kara will be responsible for the management and day-to-day operations of the Catering Department including all the Social Events. Kara believes in fostering a culture of service excellence and plans to take exceptional care of our members and clients. As a Member of the Club Manager’s Association of America (CMAA) she is very knowledgeable in her field and she is also proficient with computer software and programs.
Trained and developed associates on customer experience standards, register procedures, and proper front line procedures and controls.
- If yes how satisfied are you with it? [Very Satisfied] [Satisfied] [Somewhat] [Dissatisfied][Very dissatisfied]
*Ring, ring, ring.* I was nervously sweating and pacing around the room. It seemed like it took forever for him to pick up. Then all of a sudden a clear, short, deep, authoritative voice said, “Hello.” It startled me a bit, then I replied, “Hey Jim this is Andria. I was calling you because you told me to call you in March and I was wondering if I could work at Lincoln Greens Golf Course this year?” Jim replied, “Sure.” Unanticipatedly I heard, “Click.” Just like that I got my first job and from that moment on my life had changed for the better.
In this report I will discuss the communication problems which exist at Rolling Meadows Golf Club. The problems discussed will deal with channels of communication. The areas which are causing problems are internal. Radios would solve these internal problems.
Callaway Golf Company’s (CGC) had seven key success factors to include: the founder’s vision; product design; pricing; product development; sales; marketing and the media.
As a reminder, there are two different groups of 9-holers this year. The first starts at 2:15pm for the kids that either do not attend Camp Club or don’t mind leaving early; the second group starts around 3:00pm immediately following sports camp release. As always, the 4- and 6-holers will start just after 3:00pm. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board outside of the pro shop.
Throughout my practicum with the Hurricane Junior Golf Tour, I have been able to network with three professionals such as Jim Finney, Mario Conte, and Tom McLaughlin. Jim Finney is my tournament director who I directly work with and live with along with the rest of my operations team. I think Jim Finney could benefit me in the future because he has a variety of networking relationships with golf managers throughout the country. Also, I think Jim Finney could benefit me in the future from his popularity as a golf professional throughout his nation of Canada. For this benefit, he has won numerous gold championships with multiple golf teams which would make me look good by adding him as a reference on job applications. Mario Conte is the founder
The single most important component associated with managing a successful organization, entails the empowerment of employees. People that are empowered are able to make smart decisions without always having to rely on authority, to point them in the right direction. Creating an empowered organization involves interest in the workplace; minimal absence from work, high retention rates; loyal and motivated team members; as well as efficient results and effective communication amongst team members. In the book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
“Top fifteen go to state, start out strong and pace yourself with the other girls”, my cross-country coach told me.
Unfortunately, the golf industry is out of balance with the number of courses (supply) outweighing the number of golfers looking to play a round of golf (demand). Course owners struggle to attract rounds. In order to stay competitive in today’s market, you need to have differentiators that set you apart from your competitors. This module enhances the golfer’s experience at those courses that have it and they have a decided advantage over the competition with all other things being equal. If you are looking to attract more rounds, use the Golfer Experience Module to make the round more enjoyable resulting in more rounds and revenue.
The objective functions and constraints mentioned in step two and three are translated into excel columns as follows Objective Function Formula
Our town is notable for having several interesting golf courses. For those residents whose interests lie in other pursuits, those courses are a waste of large quantities of otherwise useful space that could be better used to construct another mall or store. For the golf enthusiasts among us, however, the preponderance of courses is a delightful benefit of living in this otherwise uninteresting locale, where the only saving grace is the plentiful supply of interesting people.
Arnold Palmer said it best. “Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect.” The straightforward yet difficult facet has always drawn me to the sport. Golf has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and I love all aspects about it: the competitiveness, the focus required, the life lessons, and the bonding it can create. The game of golf is my passion.
Empowerment is the best way to promote a good long-lasting employee-customer relationship (Fragoso, 1999). Empowerment can also bring certain benefits to employees of an organization. It makes the employees give more input to company improvements; it promotes higher productivity, and is a good balance between their personal and professional lives. It exercises employees’ minds to find better solutions to problems on the job and increases the employees’ potential for promotions and job satisfaction. It results in personal growth, feelings of confidence and control in themselves and their companies. It makes workers utilize their potentials and it enables them to stand behind their decisions, assume risks, participate and take actions. It is a win-win-win situation: customers benefit from employees, organization benefit from the employees and the customers, and employees benefit from higher confidence and self-esteem (Fragoso, 1999).