
Event Changed My Life

Decent Essays

I want to share with you five things that I implemented into my life that created amazing, compounding change, and completely shifted the direction and energy of my life. I came to them through reading, talking with others, and taking an honest look at my circumstances and the chain of events that led me to be where I was. I was discouraged by the drudgery, loneliness, and lack of direction I found embedded in my day to day experience. I used the wisdom and experience of many to create a plan of action that has surprised me with it's effectiveness and simplicity. Change is available to everyone, and it is available right now. I remember how helpful first hand accounts from others were to me and I hope to pass a little of that along here …show more content…

I had a fairly physically demanding job, but I added an hour walking the dog five days a week (really chugging along, get the heart rate up) and two 20 minutes strength sessions per week, weights, sit-ups, lunges, etc. It is good for the body and mind. As my friend said, "The only people who couldn't sleep in the good old days were alcoholics when the still ran dry, everyone else worked from dawn to dusk and fell down dead at the end of the day." Well I didn't want to start scratching out a living on a farm, so I started walking. It helped. A lot. b) Routine: I started going to bed within a one hour window, and waking up within a one hour window, regardless of what was going on. For me this was to bed between ten and eleven, and up between five and six. So even if I had the day off I was up at six. If I couldn't fall asleep at eleven, especially at first, I got up and read or wrote. No tv or computer or cleaning project or late night snack/beverage. If I fell asleep at five a.m. I still rolled out of bed at seven a.m. No day-time napping! This is tricky at first, while your still not sleeping well, but it is essential, and gets easier day by day. c) Avoiding "stuff" : Caffeine after four; food after six; bright lighting after nine (light affects sleep hormones); all sleep aids, prescription or over the counter (this was a personal choice, it worked for me in the long run); an overheated bedroom (studies show

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