
Everest Emergency Essay

Decent Essays

“Friday morning of April the 18th,The whole earth shook and a loud roar filled the morning sky. From the distance, the gust of wind chill and the news of around 200 mountaineers sunk below the avalanche gave the cold chill along my spine. ” It had only been three weeks that I started working for Everest ER, a clinic operated at 17400 ft in the Himalayas. Our logistics manager told our medical team that he saw a massive avalanche falling on the queue of around two hundred Sherpa porters, who were carrying loads to Camp One at 19680 ft.Without having any time to soak in the news of the disaster, we immediately started our preparation to receive the casualties. We had no idea about the types of injuries and the number of peopIe affected. Even worse, we feared that the deaths could be much higher. Our team of doctors, paramedics and trained rescuers present on the Base Camp worked in a coordinated fashion. After 12 long hours between helicopter rescues and …show more content…

We offered our condolences and sympathy to the traumatized Sherpa community that evening. Looking back at the whole event, I must admit that I was not fully prepared to handle that situation. However, the experiences of having completed a Diploma in Mountain Medicine two months before the disaster, the experience of successfully conducting a high altitude pilgrimage health camp in the past, and also the experience of my training in the largest level one trauma center and teaching hospital in my country; I did all but not buckle

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