
Everest Simulation: Suggestion For Future

Decent Essays

Suggestion for future
The experience of the Everest simulation is a valuable source to identify and develop some techniques that are beneficial for the future development. Those skills include how to adapt to different leadership style as a group member and the application of different leadership approach and avoiding the errors in making decision to the greatest extent.

For the future recommendation, it is significant to realise the leadership styles the superior seems to be applied refer to the leader behaviours and the group structure, which will assist me to coordinate with others by adjusting my behaviour to accommodate to the different leader behaviour. For instance, the concentration and responsibilities should be taken in order to …show more content…

The errors were made during the simulation including prioritising the personal goals over the team goals and the groupthink, that can be avoided in the future by taking several measures. I would put the team goals in the first place instead of the individual goals. The decision needs to be made based on whether it achieves an improving progress or a better result in completing the overall group tasks. Setting several subunit objectives will be helpful to reach the ultimate goal since the sub objects will specify the particular issue for each section or stage and it creates systematic manner to approach the final goal. Furthermore, after finishing each sub goals, the feeling of success would support to work further till the end. In addition, the groupthink may occur as the consequence of group dynamics and unfamiliar relationship among team members. Accordingly, the team need to encourage each member to present their ideas individually at first, after that, combining the thoughts and critically analysing them. Moreover, the team members ought to improve the cohesion by strengthen communication, which would be beneficial to enhance the quality of goals

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