
Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen Analysis

Decent Essays

The song “Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen” is a weird song, is it even a song? The way this song starts is just very questioning, making you think, if you really need rhythm in music. Having you think if you are just trying to state facts into things lyrics into a song. Well listening to the song there are some important advice in the music that really catch you when you his song.

The first one that i have to say that really got to me would have to be the quote “Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh never mind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they’ve faded.” Now that really got to me because its how im feeling right now. It's explaining that, when you are little you have a great amount of power and you are beautiful when you are young, but once you are older you aren't going to have that power and look that great from once you were little. Nothing ever stays its same form, everything ages and you just have to deal with it. Once you are older you just wish everything was different from when you …show more content…

“Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.” Many people believe that they have everything solved after they finished High School, but really they don’t know how everything is going to end. You will probably find out that you don’t want to go to college or want to do something else, everything changes nothing ever stays the same. The future is something that everyone doesn't want to go to because they don't know how they are going to end up, the only thing you can do is work hard for what you want in life, nothing comes easy there always has to be a challenge, show that you are determined to accomplish what is needed for you to reach that goal that’s how you will be able to

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