
Everyday Use By Alice Walker Analysis

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Most people want their family to be a source of love and care; however, conflicts can occur when one family member has different values from the rest. Throughout Alice Walker’s short story “Everyday Use," she shows how education affects family dynamics. Walker describes Dee as having hatred towards her family and their values before receiving a higher education. Education not only separated Dee from a true sense of herself, but she also lose a sense of heritage and morals that can only be taught by one's family. Although Mama struggled and only obtained a second-grade education, she still found it important to send Dee off to college. Dee strayed from the core values laid down by her ancestors and education proved to be more troublesome than …show more content…

She washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with knowledge we didn’t necessarily need to know” (Walker, 316). When Mama said this, she was referring to Dee and her new found knowledge. Dee would force her new views about her heritage that she learned from school and stated that Mama’s heritage was not right and needed a change. “You don’t understand,” she said as Maggie and I came out to the car. “What don’t I understand?” I wanted to know. “Your heritage!” she said as she turned to Maggie, kissed her, and said “You ‘ought to make something of yourself, too, Maggie. It’s really a new day for us. But the way you and mama still live you will never know it.” (Walker, 320) Mama valued the objects passed down from generations, such as the quilts, the washer, and the tuner. The most important thing in the story was the quilts, simply because Dee insisted on owning the quilts for an African display. Mama insisted on passing the quilts down to Maggie once she got married to place on her bed. “They will be in good hands, worn out, or not.” Mama states. Even though Mama decides to take a risk of the quilts being worn, she knew Maggie was taught how to make more quilts. As for Dee, she had no real understanding of the quilts or respect for her mother’s view towards them. Dee is a person who does not know the meaning of the word “no”. When Mama denies her permission to take the quilts with her, Dee’s reaction is petty. Her reactions proves that she was accustomed to getting her

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