
Everyman Pilgrimage

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Everyman was a morality play written in the 15th century. Everyman the main character has been set off on a pilgrimage by a message from God. He was sent because he had no part in believing in God so Death delivered a note by God which say he must go on a pilgrimage to find his true self.

Everyman then turns to Good Deeds, who says she would go with him, but she is too weak. Everyman has been set off on a pilgrimage by God for his actions, along the way Everyman kept questioning why me, what have I done. Along the pilgrimage Everyman has been alone and only to find his first who rejected him Good Deeds who goes anywhere he does but is too weak to tag along for the pilgrimage.

Good Deeds summons her sister Knowledge to join them, and both

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