Everyone Should Be Able to Vote Voting is a right not a privilege , as we all know and some people have different opinions on how it should be done. I feel as though that electronic voting is a bad idea. The author states that EVMs can be hacked just like a computer, but some believe that they are secure because they are not connected to the internetand and the fact that EVMs record all the action happening during voying does help. But, unfortunately with their being so much technology out their if someone really wanted to go after your personal information they will find a way. As the author mentions in his paragraph in 2013, a national magazine ran an article in which the writer explained how, with basic electrical
In the Unite States of America i belive that it would not be asmart idea to use electronic voting machines beacause it would be unfair they would not be counting all the votes correctly. Also they can rig the election like the problems they had in ohio as they wasted that amout of money. It would not be a good idea to use electronic voting machines because the machines may also not count the votes correctly or place the vote uner another canidate. Also there has been alot of errors with the electronic voting machines, like they've also been hacked plenty of times witch causes the election to get ruined. There is also two sides to everything like the electonic voting machines also did alot of good work and made it easier to vote for the people
As technology has evolved there have become more ways to cast a vote than ever before. Most people are familiar with the traditional way of
Voting is a form of exercising your unbridgeable rights. There is no person or government that can take away our Civil rights, so there is no fear required in using
Voting should be an easy access to everyone; it is the cornerstone of representational democracy. The very thing that makes America a place where peoples voices are heard or at least make them feel that
In America, many citizens choose not to vote every year. Although, The United States of America is a democracy, Americans should be required to vote. Whether the voting is for local places or for the government, citizens should be required to vote. This will give everyone a chance to speak their minds and learn more about politics. Compulsory voting is important because everyone should have a chance to vote for what they believe in.
The U.S. electoral system was created to give every citizen a say in who their elected officials should be, but this system has failed miserably. The right to vote is a basic right that needs be provided to every American regardless of such traits as political party, religion, or ethnicity. It is unethical to deny a person the right to vote and historically that has been a major problem in the United States. Our election system is completely corrupt and voter rights is not the only problem, strategically drawing voting districts is also a major issue. Our current electoral system is corrupt and unethical because of gerrymandering, the breaking down of the voter rights act, and voter ID laws.
Voting is a right that was given to us by the democracy government system. I believe that when it comes to voting everybody participate in their civil duty much like jury duty, or doing your taxes if they are of age. Instead of giving U.S citizens the option to vote, making it mandatory to vote will ensure that everybody will have a say into how
Firstly, both sides of the spectrum which are upon those who agree and disagree both have compelling cases in this question. Such as citizen number two describes that “ if we force everyone to vote, those who don’t vote or care about the process of voting will not respect the process. Thus, making elections chaotic and improper “. On the other hand the opposite side of the spectrum where citizen number one is located,
I understand that in an ideal situation voting should be easily accessible for all and the while still is difficult to have people commit fraud. But you just can’t have it both ways realistically and if you can have it both ways it still hasn’t been presented yet, maybe in the near future sure but as it is at the moment that’s the dilemma. Like how Walsh said, “It’s all about political power—who has it, who wants it, who gets it (Kenneth T. Walsh).” It rings true on so many levels it truly all does come down to those three simple things it seems as though that’s what every politician is striving to achieve their end goal of
Mandatory voting would greatly benefit our democracy. “Requiring people to vote in national elections once every two years would reinforce the principle of reciprocity at the heart of citizenship.” (Text 1, Lines 22-24) If this would go forward, our democracy would be a true and inclusive by making people vote for what they believe in. Citizens that vote, no matter their status, would make the United States a truly democratic
In 2000 Riverside County California decided to spend 14 million dollars to make their voting system all electronic. This decision was made on the basis that in 1998 more than one million dollars was spent on paper ballots (in Riverside), but when only half of the county voted the extras had to be trashed. For local elections their new electronic system fetched a 99% approval rating from voters (Wired.com article). The only foreseeable downside to this technology is the start up price and with internet voting not likely due to security issues, this maybe the best solution.
Voting is an act of expression that holds the United States together as a whole. President Franklin D. Roosevelt stated, “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting." Our government may not infringe on the people's right to vote, however the people themselves may neglect those rights by not exercising their right to vote. Americans live with the protections and rights that are documented in our Constitution and amendments. Freedom in a democracy is what empowers citizens to voice their opinions. The right to vote that activists fought and died for has given every day citizens the power to directly impact an election and the laws that govern us. Voting should not be mandatory because, it would take-away the history behind activist fighting for the right to vote, and will further diminish voters choice to not exercise their voting right.
I believe mandatory voting would be a good move for elections. However, I do not believe mandatory voting would be good for democracy and freedom. Like
Voting is a part of the consent of the governed, letting people vote for the representatives they desire to have in the office. Requiring someone to have a say by voting, would hurt the outcome and national voting average. Having everyone involved won't give out 100% honest voting. For instance, suppose 40% of the votes are those who really want that candidate running for office. The other 60% are merely voting for anyone. That will affect the poll's turnout by a long shot and the other 40% won't have a fair say in the decision process.
I can see both sides of each passage and how they make sense. They both have strong ideas and points to back up how they feel. However, I agree with the first passage.