Everyone has busy lives especially those that daily, are juggling more than one task. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the life of a college professional, or someone who attends a job while going to college. Many struggle going to long work weeks to be able to afford their bills while they also going to school for hope of a better future. This is something relatable to a great deal of young Americans, and something that is becoming more common place in our older generations that later in life are choosing to advance their education. Between the exams, essays, late nights and long days how does one have time to forgo all these proceedings while simultaneously maintaining a social life? As impossible as it may sound it is achievable with the right tools, mindset and dedication. I am personally a part time student that normally attends three classes a semester and work a full-time job at an Amazon Fulfillment center that sometimes …show more content…
People should look to their peers, family, professors and advisors for the tools to be able to surmount such a task. There are many options available for those who wish to go back to school or those students who need some extra cash. It is very important to use the resources that are provided and to take every opportunity to be able to better ourselves. If we look to the past to see how others have achieved their goals, we can learn to be able to accomplish such affairs ourselves. With a little hard work a seemingly impossible task starts to become realistic with the outlook of a better future. I consider going to school is important but shouldn’t come with the sacrifices of always being broke or never moving out. I would want to wish everyone the best of luck and to know that it is entirely possible to be a successful student professional with
The initial shock of the significant workload and expectations can take their toll, but good time management skills can prevent multiple late nights in a row to get assignments done on time. Kelci Lynn Lucier has worked in higher education for ten years, and has experienced students struggle to try and find the balance between extracurricular activities, personal activities, and education priorities. Luckily, Lucier has four tips to help best use the time provided in a day. Lucier’s first step focuses on managing ones academic time and how it needs to be the top priority above all other curricular activities, stating: “It's important to remind yourself why you're in college in the first place: to graduate” (Lucier). Lucier’s second step is be able to manage personal time, she talks about how unrealistic it is to always be working, studying, or learning, she wants students to try and find time to do something fun with friends or a club. Lucier’s third step is to wkeep the students health in mind, it does no good to stay up until two in the morning studying over a history mid-term, only to be half asleep for the test anyway; sleep is important and without can only increase the stress. Lucier’s fourth and final step is to not be afraid to seek help with your time management, she states: “The most important thing to have for time
The essay ‘Should Everyone Go to College” by Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill reasons whether everyone needs to go to college. Based off of monetary return, graduation percentage, tuition, and selectivity, they decipher the pros and cons of higher education.
When I was a freshman in high school, my parents sat me down in the living room and told me that if I wanted to go to college, I’d have to pay for it myself. Our financial difficulties were large enough to merit the statement. My step-dad was hardly able to work anymore because of health problems from a career in manufacturing. My mom also suffered in the over-saturated market for dental hygienists in Mesa—she was recently fired from a corporate office for refusing to sell unnecessary treatments to patients, and could only find a job in an office run by an abusive dentist who screamed at his employees and who even threw a computer at an assistant at one point. My mom needed to leave the office, but nobody knew if she would find work anywhere
The majority of students want to go to college. Some have the privilege to go to college while it's a dream for others because they can’t afford it. College is a way too expensive nowadays and the price for it keeps going up. Since I currently have no job and only one of my parents work I will not be able to pay for college. I want to be able to go to college and study something in the business related field to help our economy grow and prosper. Having an additional education after high school is very
The belief that everyone should go to college strives from the fact that in many circumstances a college degree entails a higher paying job and thus a better financial situation. The essay “Should Everyone go to College” discusses this matter in a variety of ways, ranging from financial breakdown by private and open enrollment of schools to likelihood of individuals finishing their degrees.
For some people, it may be difficult to manage time in order to keep up with school and still be involved with extracurricular activities. However, for myself, this was not the case. I have been involved in the Slippery Rock University Winter Guard since my freshman year, which requires much dedication and commitment. Competing in local and even international level competitions across the country, the dedication required for membership in the guard is extraordinary. My commitment to the winter guard as well as my determination in my studies has allowed me to prime my time management skills to be successful in both areas without compromising the quality of my efforts in either one. Moreover, I have also been involved in numerous volunteer opportunities including Special Olympics, therapeutic horseback riding, and sled hockey. I also have a job at the Student Health Center. Although I keep myself very busy, I have managed to maintain an overall GPA of 3.5. Through my shadowing experiences in physical therapy, I have seen that some days can be fast-paced; therefore, it is important to have the ability to manage time in order to accomplish everything effectively and
Growing up, it is easy to imagine the future playing out something like this: attend college, score that dream job, get rich, get married, have kids, and live happily ever after. It all sounds pretty familiar, however many young adults find that life does not always happen so simply. There are horror stories everywhere. Students graduate, fail to find a job in their field as they expected, and are left feeling hopeless as their credit card and loan bills pile sky high. Take Paige Nichols for example. Paige grew up in a family that was well-off financially. Her parents were able to pay for her two younger siblings’ college educations and, like many middle class children, she was used to getting what she wanted. However, by the time it was her turn to go to college, her parents’ financial situation had gone downhill and she was left to pay for her education by herself. After four years she graduated with a business degree and $20,000 in debt to go with it. Her payment plan was set at $300 per month, and although she had jobs, she was used to living frivolously, and therefore only made the bare minimum payment of $50 most months. This left her in a position where she would remain in debt until she was 50 years old. A few years after graduating with her bachelor’s, she considered going back for her master’s in forensic psychology, something she had grown very fond of. However, since she was already inundated with student debt and could not afford to spend an extra
Studies suggest that fifty percent or more of new jobs that will appear in the upcoming decades will require their employees to have a postsecondary education (America’s Promise). However, the rising price of a college education is preventing many students from achieving their goal. This only adds to the number of unemployed young adults and the number of Americans living in property. People always say if you’re tired of being poor then do something about it but it is not as simple as it used to be. In the past thirty years the cost of getting a college degree has increase by 1,120 percent (Mosbergn). Not only that, but if you do manage to get a degree after you graduate you are often left paying off student loan debt. As of 2013, the amount of student loan debt to be paid off has surpassed one trillion dollars. Another reason why many student opt out of going to college is because they believe it is a waste of time. While that may not be the case for all students a recent poll showed that forty percent of college graduates are unemployed and left struggling to pay off a student loan alone with no job
Some graduates don’t want to go to college because they already make enough money at their current job or they’re not sure what they want to do with their lives just yet. However, there are several graduates who want to go to college but simply can’t afford it.
Going back to school as a working adult was never apart of my ten year plan as a high school senior. Like most pstudents, I'd expected to finish school and live happily ever after while earning a living in my dream career. I never anticipated my career being far from a dream or deciding to pursue another degree, ten years after my initial decision to pursue an undergraduate degree. I'd never thought about the effect of student loans nor did
Working college students can also suffer outside of classes and the workplace. For example my schedule illustrates the conflicts of trying to take on too many duties. Since I work nights during the week, the weekends are a more convenient time that I can study. Because I have to use my weekends to do school work, I can’t do other things. My apartment is a mess since I have no time to clean it. Worse, my girlfriend is threatening to leave me because I have no social life. We never even go out like we once used to now when she comes over, I am too busy studying. However the rewards of earning a college degree in this economy can be the difference between having
Here I am in my second year, not as far along as I had hoped. But I have discovered that many of my classmates also work full-time, and we see many advantages to being a working student. We are more mature and self-disciplined because we carry our work habits over to our studies. We concentrate harder than some of the younger, non-working students. Teachers seem to show us more respect. By taking longer to earn degrees, we have time to assimilate what we learn and develop our awareness from one semester to the next. While it’s true that we don’t have much time for socializing or extracurricular activities, we do learn to make friends quickly in classroom situations and make the most of our social opportunities between classes.
1. More and more students have to pay for college on their own, or with little assistance from their parents. Learning how to live on one’s own and today’s complicated financial world is stressful, and it’s no wonder that some students would rather drop out and get a job rather than continue studing.
Now a days there’s a lot of pressure for high school graduates to further their education by attending college. Hard evidence states that more high school graduates attend college immediately after graduation compared to any other generation. However, college may seem more of a challenge to some rather than others whom may “need” vocational school. Getting an education is important but some say college isn’t for everyone. In the article “What’s Wrong with Vocational School?” Charles Murray says that not every student is mentally suitable for college and vocational school would prepare them for the vigorous academic demands that come along with college. To critically analyze if this argument is effective
Balancing study with home and work is excruciatingly difficult in my circumstances given that I have numerous responsibilities on my plate. These include the fact of having grandchildren to care for, working full-time (Monday-Friday 24 hours a day) as a health-aid worker, and helping my boyfriend's mother out every other weekend. During the week, there is the intensive and unceasing responsibilities of my job leaving me almost nil time for housework. Sleeping is a treat for me. Finally, I need to dedicate time to my boyfriend both for my own pleasure and for the necessity of retention of the relationship. I therefore see him on the weekends, dividing those weekends between him and the grandchildren. Life, as you see, is hectic and even thoguh my studies are important to me, and I do cram them in on weekends, I am usually so tired and pressed with minimal time that it is an effort to concentrate on and find time for my studies.