As the teacher I would respond to the data by having the students in the classroom practice sounding out their letters and identifying them in pairs together or as a class. If students are in a pair they can test one another and it would be enjoyable for them too. As the teacher I would respond in ways such as working with students one on one in a rotation to make sure that all students in the class were close to the same level. With one on one attention students will develop an understanding that they cannot just go through the motions and this will help them succeed with sound and letter dinftiation caplaltilies. The evidence based writing instructional strategies for all three students I assessed (Aiden, Torrence, and William G.) I would
I gathered NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) standardized test reading scores for my students from the last 3 years. I gathered information about my students’ writing which was from grade level meetings, that I participated in, with colleagues to analyze my student writing to determine how well they were applying previously taught vocabulary words to write. I gathered information from notes that recorded the conversations that took place at these meetings regarding my students’ limited vocabulary use in their writing. I gathered information from observational rubrics I used to score students’ application of newly learned content
This entails working on the Seven Steps to Writing Success will be taught twice a week and writing tasks will also be included during literacy groups. Sizzling Starts and recounts will be the focus text in term one. Narrative and creative writing will be taught too and in both cases the emphasis will be on creating strong sentences with good structure. The lesson format for sizzling starts and narrative/creative writing will be explicit teaching to the whole class. My role as a teacher will be to identify the student’s level and provide appropriate feedback to support to move students toward the next level.
History: This student has been on our campus since Kindergarten. At an early age, he was brought to the Response to Intervention Committee for behavior concerns in the classroom and bus. Over the years his behavior has had its positive and negative effects on his academic areas with a large concern in English Language Arts. He has been a Tier 2 or Tier 3 student in reading since first grade. He is currently receiving a reading intervention, however at the fourth grade level there is an urgency to provide an intervention in writing.
Beginning my career at Western Carolina University, I had no idea the impact writing has on future educators. It is extremely important to have an effective writing strategy in all aspects of teaching. You will be required to write lesson plans, referrals, and letters home to the parents. Each of these have different strategies, and all of these are used simultaneously throughout the school year. Throughout the essay I will explain how to do each of these writings, and also give step by step instructions on an effective way to make sure it is done correctly.
What evidence based practices did I incorporate into my lesson? Did I include citations and theoretical support (NOTE: include with this response if not included in other supporting documents)?
Weekly, one-page response papers are assigned based on their readings, which helps students understand my writing expectations, and gain confidence as the transition from generalized and vague language to academic writing. In class writing assignments, which deal with key questions from their reading, also helps students make the transition. After reading “Why I Write” by Joan Didion, I invite students to write a short essay about their writing process. Each reading and writing assignment escalates in difficulty, with the intention to build confidence, reduce anxiety, and overcome fear about their writing process, while increasing their academic language.
Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
This paper will seek to explore the literature surrounding the diverse debate and narratives which have defined the body of academic research surrounding facilitating learning and the centrality of evidence-informed practice. There has been a diverse shift in focus between the domains of research and practice. Therefore, this paper will endeavour to ascertain key developments in order to nurture a strong awareness of the available research. The intellectual genesis of this analysis surrounds the work of a British academic, Professor David Hargreaves, who elucidated a new concept of educational research. Hargreaves believed, ?teaching is not at present a research-based profession? (Hargreaves, 1996). The intellectual foundations of research principles in the delivery of education are an important dynamic. This paper, therefore, will outline the academic journey of this progression.
For my evidence based intervention I understand the importance of scientific research to inform my practice, however, I believe that the consideration of individual characteristics is just as important. I must consider the issues of lack of confidence, purpose and effort for each of my students and use research to develop strategies that may work for my students. I have developed a range of data on the students’ academic results, attitudes in classes, students learning style, teachers’ comments on these students in a range of classes, students’ self-belief as well as their belief about education and where their goals for education and where they see themselves going after school. Evidence based intervention allows for a targeted group of students
To begin, I did the phonological awareness assessments with my three students. Having gotten instruction from Professor Schwarzkopf in class, I felt prepared to conduct this assessment. I appreciated that each form within the phonological awareness section had directions and a practice section where I, as the administrator, could easily explain the directions to each student. The phonological awareness assessments in themselves do not take a long time; however, I noticed as I started to reach the seventh, eighth, and ninth assessment each student started to get bored and frustrated. I really liked how the majority of the assessments were given orally. This helped me to know what they understood phonologically rather than just what a letter
This paper will discuss about alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace, and the proper evidence based practice interventions for treatment to help the issue. I will discuss background information about the problem and why it is importance of why this topic needs to be addressed. I will also discuss evidence based interventions that have been proven to help those who have a problem with alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace. This will be done by reviewing different articles written by researchers about the problem and how they used interventions to help solve it. Finally, I will explain whether or not I would implement the use of these interventions in my current practice as a social worker.
It is an absolute pleasure to recommend Mr. Manuel Ludizaca for admission to your institution. I have served as Manuel’s writing teacher at KIPP NJ: Newark Collegiate Academy for the 2016-2017 school year. In my course, Manuel practice going through the entire writing process over a duration of three to four weeks with units that focused on narrative, expository, persuasive, and analytical forms. In this ACT aligned course, Manuel developed robust writing skills which included developing arguments, selecting appropriate and accurate evidence, and utilizing clear and effective language.
Educators need to be knowledgeable of a wide range of evidence-based assessments in order to develop an understanding of the condition(s) impacting the child’s success in schools. Understanding the different types and severity of conditions will help guide appropriate intervention, and ongoing assessment is important to determine treatment efficacy. The focus within this paper will look at behavioral inhibition, conduct disorders, and strategies for treatment.
The faculty adoption of evidence-based instructional practices and their overall approach to pedagogical change has primarily been examined through stage-based models of change. While not readily applied to education, the Trans-theoretical Model of Health Behavior Change (TTM) provides a cyclic, stage-based model of change that provides processes to advance through the stages while recognizing faculty context and self-efficacy that will support their pursuit of pedagogical change.
It is vitally important to initiate accurate documentation and assessment when performing a patients’ observation as this can clearly prevent and identify acute poor health (Mulryan, 2011). On the other hand, an observation assessment can to often be performed accurately and incorrectly (Mulryan, 2011). For that reason, a nurse’s ability, knowledge, competence and documentation are all paramount when assessing a patient stability (Mulryan, 2011). On evaluating the care that was given to Sam, when being assessed every four hours for vital signs, by nurses involved in her care.