Hi Rainge!
You appeared to have mastered the art of essential self- criticism within the classroom, which, undoubtedly, is not an easy feat to accomplish. Also, essential to being an effective educator is having the necessary tools/strategies for instruction that are peer-reviewed evidence based instructional strategies available. Dr. Robinson gave many examples in the edTPA lesson planning videos that are sure to keep students on track, engaged and motivated. The lesson plan required by the edTPA is different from that used in the school where I work too, so, like you, it was a challenge to complete without Dr. Robinson's videos. With your determination and practice you will most definitely conquer the art of creating goals that are measurable
The following ssion of this assignment attempts to critically appraise the venUS III randomised control trial (RTC) published in the British Medical Journal.
All the research and work that I did for this project is going to help me with edTPA because it gave me an opportunity to learn about this principle that I will need to know to help children make goals for themselves. In rubric one of edTPA elementary handbook, it talks about how the candidate’s plan for instruction should have clear and consistent connections to the child’s related skills. The candidate should also use learning tasks to lead the students to independently apply the strategy and related skills. My project relates to this because I learned the importance of children setting moderately difficult goals and not goals that are too easy or too hard. To set a moderately difficult goal for a child I would have to know their skills they
How do health care professionals know how to treat patients? The clear answer is that they know due to receiving an extensive education during which they learned all the proper techniques and procedures. However, what isn’t obvious is that all the material they learn and put into practice is based off of research and experience, known as evidence based practice. Evidence based practices are treatments and procedures used by health care professionals that are determined to be successful by evidence such as research.
As the nations focus continues to be on cost and quality of medical care rendered, the push for standardization persist. Care in Anytown USA should mimic the care rendered in the most elite medical centers in the country. This is our duty to the patients that we serve. The organizations that were listed by Mr. Druse strive to universalize the care that every patient receives ensuring quality and safety for all. NDNQI participation allows nursing and organizations to stay current with the trends and avoid commonly seen errors that occur in healthcare. The IOM uses information from clinical research and standard of practice to 'fuel' their interventions and initiatives (Dunton, 2008). Quality improvement is driven by evidence- based practice and allows organizations to measure themselves against national comparative data (Dunton, 2008).
In order to properly use the RTI framework it goes hand in hand with the EBP. Without an accurate EBP for students the RTI would be useless. A key component of the RTI framework is the use of evidence-based teaching practices. (Swanson et al., 2012) RTI is well researched and has been tested it gives support to special education teachers so they have a framework to work in. This will be a benefit to students who need an organized structured intervention. It seems from studying these articles that this is a road map for the educators.
Direct Instruction is often associated with traditional lecture style teaching in the classroom and is most commonly used teaching method. Direct Instruction is an instructional approach that is teacher led either by lecture or demonstration and is structured and sequenced in nature (Hidden Curriculum, 2014).
The faculty adoption of evidence-based instructional practices and their overall approach to pedagogical change has primarily been examined through stage-based models of change. While not readily applied to education, the Trans-theoretical Model of Health Behavior Change (TTM) provides a cyclic, stage-based model of change that provides processes to advance through the stages while recognizing faculty context and self-efficacy that will support their pursuit of pedagogical change.
Several sociological perspectives can be used to explain cultural challenges. On eof these sociological perspectives are functionalism. This theory looks at education as a means through which the following functions are achieved in the society: socialization, social placement and integration, social and cultural innovation. Cultural challenges however, hinder the effectiveness of this perspective’s role of education in society (MacNeil, Prater & Busch, 2009). If these challenges are not addressed and possible solutions implemented then the 'foreign students' will not fully benefit from the advantages of
The following strategies are evidence-based individualized strategies believed to improve educational outcomes for Kyle: Math: Instruction: Peer-Guided Pause, Reading Fluency: Assisted Cloze, Choice: Allowing Students Control Over Learning, Active Supervision: Roaming the Classroom, Establishing Classroom Routines: Increasing Predictably, and Preferential Seating: Increasing Attention and Removing Distractions.
Irish and Scrubb, (2012) wrote that today’s classrooms require teachers’ competencies for teaching the students. Robust instructional strategies/techniques and culturally sensitive curricula are critical, but the more important factor is the instructor who is sensitive and responsive enough to the unique differences of each student. Recognizing the need to strengthen specific competencies to reach and teach all students requires an understanding of new ideas and a willingness to view instruction through varied cultural lenses.
Teaching effectively incorporates planned and well thought out goals. It is said in an article by Hale and Green (2009), “teachers are most effective when they have clear learning goals in mind and implement
I will need to have gather data on students’ academic skills for each standard; do students have sufficient background knowledge or academic skills to move onto the next topic? I will assess the effectiveness of the intervention through data. The student data will efficiently inform me if the interventions are working. I think it’s important to frequently monitor the data on interventions to be sure that what I am doing is working for the students, just because I am doing interventions with the students doesn’t mean that they are the right interventions for them. I have to assess and look at the data to see if the students understand the concept. Frequent assessment assures that the students are working at their
In order for students to be fully involved and motivated to learn, it takes a couple of outspoken teaching strategies to make that change. Teaching strategies that are able to not only catch the students attention but to keep their full interest. Teachers are to be providing an anticipatory set for their students in order to project success in their students academic learning. Students who are exposed to learning that is fun and interesting conduct a much better behavior and excellence to the subject. Madeline Hunter, is very strong willed on never giving up on students, and I think teachers need to build their teaching strategies around that motto. Teaching strategies need to be organized, manageable, and constructive in order for students
In this course, we have also learned about the different types of motivation that teachers can provide to their students. The goal of an educator is to pass
Third step, now that I have goals to accomplish, how do I accomplish them? First, I need to be aware as a teacher that all students do not learn the same. I