
Evil And Omnipotence Argument Analysis

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The article Evil and Omnipotence and The Argument from Evil tie in together. They both argue the existence of evil and God in one way or another. The article Evil and Omnipotence has three main points. Point one states that “God is omnipotent”, meaning that he can do anything that is not impossible. Point two states that he is “wholly good”. Point one and two together mean that God can do anything as long as it’s good. Point three states that “God does exist”. You cannot hold all of these three points without contradicting yourselves. J.L. Mackie says that “good cannot exist without the existence of evil” or that evil is a counterpart for good. There’s always something bad that happens then later on something good will occur. That’s just how it is. The quote, “There’s always a rainbow after a storm,” ties in with that point. and evil is necessary as a means to good. It comes down to that we can’t have one without having the other. If evil is necessary for good contradicts that God is omnipotent and morally perfect. If he was really all …show more content…

We grow up learning in school about how the world was created through science, but what tells us that it is true? We are taught how natural events shape the earth today, and how evolution has brought us to where we are today. They show us results from many experiments that they’ve done over time. They have theories of what they think happen, but what if their theories are incorrect? For all we know, all that ”science” can be false. There’s still a possibility today, that their theory of how the world was created can be incomplete. Why is it that you can believe what scientists tell us about and not believe that God exists? Others might argue that God was the one that gave us free will, so he could have seen evil coming, yet he still gave us free will. But, then how would he have let us have a voice if he had not given us free

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