
Evil In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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William Golding’s novel ‘Lord of the Flies’ is used to explore the basis that humans are evil by nature. William Golding Suggests that humans are evil by providing similarities between the features of a man and the image of the beast. William Golding uses the characters in the novel to show man’s ability to perform an evil act, throughout the novel some of the characters come to the realization that what they had done is evil but little remorse is shown.
When the characters in the novel came to the island they were well dressed, civilized English boys as time continues the boy’s clothes become torn and they start to lose these qualities. It’s only when the boys start to lose these qualities that the beast or their inherent evil begins to show. …show more content…

. . “(William Golding, pg15). William Golding also uses onomatopoeia to emphasize the actions of the children "He began to dance and his laughter became a bloodthirsty snarling."(pg66). In both examples the actions and image of the children is used to influence the way the children appear, the resemblances that William Golding poses between the children and the beast become so blurred the boys themselves are viewed as savages.
In the novel, the children misidentify a man for being a beast. They report eyes, teeth, and claws. Golding uses the boy’s description of man to imply that humans can easily be mistaken to be evil. Throughout the novel the some of the children come to the realization that there is no beast, any beast that has been described is just a part of their imagination. If there is no beast who or what is responsible for the fear on the …show more content…

. . . .You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are?”(pg158.)
William Golding used this statement to solidify the fact that there is no beast, the ‘Lord of the Flies’ is not a physical character. The beast and the cause of fear is the part of the boys that has been allowed to reveal itself. The beast within each child showed, and when it did it resulted in tragedies, but why was no remorse shown?
William Golding uses scenes in the novel to provide insight into the lack remorse the children show. The Children’s gained obsession with killing is not for food, but for the sport of it. During a hunt Jack and his hunters come across a mother pig with her piglets, they had no need to kill but did anyway. The death of the mother was not quick. “The spear moved forward inch by inch and the terrified squealing became a high-pitched scream.”(pg149) William Golding uses this passage to show the true evil of man’s

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