
Evil In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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Once, a wise man said “Man is the cruelest animal.” Respected Friedrich Nietzsche said this due his realization of the innate evil in humans. We as homo sapiens are very greedy for power, we cannot resist the fact that another being can control us. Golding was always pessimistic about the human nature, due to encountering the depravity of individuals in the war. Golding’s greatest saying is “Man produces evil as bees produce honey.” William Golding’s allegorical novel “Lord of the Flies” involves many elemental fictionality’s to communicate the main idea and theme of the novel. One of the phenomenal themes conceived by the novel is, the malevolence in human nature, and it is not one that develops over time as brilliancy but it’s one that is …show more content…

Away from society, Jack has the sudden urge to hunt. His sudden urge to hunt, foreshadows the developing nature of Jack. When Jack first got the chance to kill a pig, he backed down. "I was going to," he said, "I was choosing a time!!!”(Golding, 31). Even though Ralph had made his intentions for achieving the groups basic needs first clear, Jack denies Ralph and decides to fulfill his goal; to catch a pig. Not long after, Jack actually catches a Pig, he gets obsessed. Jack spends most of his futile time trying to achieve a authority over all, but to satisfy his primal impulses he hunts pigs. "All the same you need an army-for hunting. Hunting pigs", said Jack on the novel (Golding, 43). Jack desires for power shows that savagery has started taking over his mind. When Jack’s savage personality overcomes him, he tries throwing Ralph from his crowned name ‘chief’. As we now he had managed to devise his own tribe, a tribe where hunting pigs was a necessity. The want to exterminate pigs represents how Jack has always harboured an evil heart. Jack’s true malevolence prevailed after killing Simon. Eventually, Jack and his tribe begin to kill with no remorse. After killing Piggy, Jack exclaimed, "See! that's what you'll get! I meant that! The conch is gone, I'm chief!”(Golding,181). Jack’s thirst for blood, even if it was for a pig, kinda influenced Ralph in a

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