
Evil and Omnipotence

Decent Essays

Why does evil exist on earth? This is a central point on the issue of the problem of evil. Atheists and theists attempt to account for this question in their own philosophical perspectives. Epicurus’ paradox of evil raises a dilemma for the traditional Judeo-Christian view of God and evil. This tradition affirmed the following three propositions: “God is all-powerful (including omniscient), God is perfectly good, and evil exists” (Pojman 69). The paradox of evil diminishes God’s Omni-qualities, that is, it is inconsistent with the traditional theistic view of God.
J. L. Mackie critiqued the traditional theistic view of an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God. He addressed this issue in his article Evil and Omnipotence. Mackie stated that the problem of evil, “is a problem only for someone who believes that there is a God who is both omnipotent and wholly good” (Peterson 289). In other words, according to Mackie, we cannot rationally accept God as having both omnipotence and omnibenevolence insofar as evil exists. According to Mackie, we cannot accept the three theistic propositions as true collectively.
Mackie does not believe that these propositions alone yield to its contradiction. He adds additional premises, which are “that good is opposed to evil, in such a way that . . . always eliminates evil as far as it can, and that there are no limits to what an omnipotent [God] can do” (Peterson 289). If we accept Mackie’s additional premises, then by necessity it follows

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