
Evolution Is It Really A Theory?

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Evolution, is it really a theory? I’ll let you decide. My job is to give you some evidence on evolution. A few nice examples of proof of evolution are, DNA Sequences, Anatomical structures, embryological developement, analogous structures, and fossil records. What is Evolution? Evolution is “the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.” (oxforddictionaries)
The evolutional theory has many sources of proof. Starting with DNA Sequences. How scientists can infer that animal are have a common ancestor by DNA sequences. In DNA sequences scientists look at the patterns and common genes that appear in animals that they have in common to see if far down the road they had a common ancestor. A common ancestor can also lead to something like a Homologous structure.
A homologous structure is a structure that animals have in common. For an example, humans, bats, rabbits, frogs, penguins, they have a similar arm bone structure.(evolution.berkeley) Homologous structures could be evidence of common ancestry, and common DNA Sequences for skeletal structure.
Animals that have a common DNA sequences could end up with the same bones but built slightly different. If you already have DNA and it causes no problems what would be the point of completely rewriting the DNA code when you already have a working code?(icr)
A very big evidential proof of genetic variation, or evolution, is embryo

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